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University of South Florida Center for Economic Development Research

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1 The Economic Contribution of Lowry Park Zoo to the Hillsborough County Economy
University of South Florida Center for Economic Development Research Dr. Dennis G. Colie 2/24/2019

2 Concept and Method 2/24/2019

3 Concept and Method Concept
Job creation in one industry leads to additional jobs in related industries. Other jobs are created to support increased level of household income and spending from inter-industry job creation. Job creation, with resulting increased levels of income and production, is called the multiplier, or ripple effect. 2/24/2019

4 Concept and Method Method Expenditure Approach
Direct effects quantified via the Expenditure Approach for continuing operations, capital improvements, and additional spending in the area by visitors. Expenditure Approach, for non-profit organization: value of output = cost to produce that output 2/24/2019

5 Concept and Method Method
The economic effect of Lowry Park Zoo, as it ripples through the economy, is estimated using the REMITM Policy Insight regional economic impact model. 2/24/2019

6 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County

7 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County
Components of Analysis: Expenditures for Continuing Operations Expenditures for Capital Improvements Additional Spending by Visitors Total Contributions, FY (including McDonald’s) 2/24/2019

8 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County
Direct Contributions from Expenditures for Continuing Operations: Employees annual average (EQUI) Paid employees received $3,342,607 in wages and salaries, or $19,932 each on average Volunteers full-time equivalent (FTE) Volunteer effort valued at $304,503 2/24/2019

9 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County
Contributions due to Expenditures for Continuing Operations: Jobs (including 10 FTE volunteers) Output valued at $16.53 million Money wages - $7.07 million (or about $27,500 per job annually on average) Variable: Industry Sales (amount) $533,000 Detail: Eating and Drinking Variable: Non-Profit Organizations Sales (Industry Sales / Int’l Exports) amount $9,769,724 Detail: Museums and Non-commercial Organizations, Nec 2/24/2019

10 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County
Direct Contributions from Spending for Capital Improvements: $8,616,137 spent in FY 2/24/2019

11 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County
Contributions due to Spending for Capital Improvements: Jobs on average Total Output valued at $19.22 million Money wages - $5.526 million (or about $30,530 per job annually on average) Variable: Industry Sales (amount) Details: Machinery and Computers $344,421 Furniture $11,389 Motor Vehicles $104,211 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Services $43,416 Construction $8,112,700 Issue: Depreciation or Recurring Capital Expenditures 2/24/2019

12 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County
Attendee Categories: 683,301 attendees in FY placed in 3 categories: Locals - Hillsborough County residents 335,773 Daytrippers - reside near Hillsborough 100,233 Overnighters - travel to Hillsborough 247,295 Total ,301 No economic impact of additional spending by locals due to substitution effect Daytrippers and Overnighters are considered Visitors to Hillsborough County 2/24/2019

13 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County
Additional Spending by Visitors: Additional spending by visitors (daytrippers and overnighters) is outside zoo, but in Hillsborough County “The Visitor Days policy variables change the number of tourists vacationing in the region in a given year. The number of new net visitor days entered into the model is converted into industry demands according to spending patterns estimated by REMI. If you prefer to use your own spending data you may use either Industry Demand or Consumer Spending policy variables.” “The conversion is done according to a study on Tourist spending patterns in Massachusetts in the early 1980s …” 2/24/2019

14 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County
Contributions due to Additional Spending by Visitors: Jobs - 427 Output valued at $34.5 million Money wages - $11.2 million (or about $26,295 per job annually on average) Variable: Visitor Days Details: Hotel or Motel 247,295 Daytripper 100,233 2/24/2019

15 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County
Total Economic Contribution of all Continuing Operations: Includes all economic activities related to Lowry Park Zoo previously shown: Continuing Operations Capital Improvements Additional Spending by Visitors Also includes operation of a McDonald’s restaurant on Zoo premises 2/24/2019

16 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County
Total Economic Contribution due to all Continuing Operations: Jobs on average Output valued at $71.67 million Money wages - $24.28 million 2/24/2019

17 Lowry Park Zoo FY 2001-02 Economic Contribution to Hillsborough County
Summary Rank of Activities by Highest Contribution: Attraction of Visitors Capital Improvements Continuing Operations 2/24/2019

18 Lowry Park Zoo Anticipated Economic Contributions FY 2002-03 through FY 2005-06

19 Lowry Park Zoo Anticipated Economic Contributions FY 2002-03 through FY 2005-06
Basis for Direct Contribution: Planned Spending for Capital Improvements: FY $4.6 million FY $5.9 million FY $3.5 million FY $4.67 million (average of previous 3 years) 2/24/2019

20 Lowry Park Zoo Anticipated Economic Contributions FY 2002-03 through FY 2005-06
Basis for Direct Contribution: 2.655% per year growth in expenses for Continuing Operations (based on Consumer Price Index) Growth in Visitors: 1% per year - Daytrippers 1.5% per year - Overnighters 2/24/2019

21 Lowry Park Zoo Anticipated Economic Contributions FY 2002-03 through FY 2005-06
Total Anticipated Contribution due to Continuing Operations: Jobs average per year Output - $64.46 million average per year Money wages - $24.32 million average per year 2/24/2019

22 Lowry Park Zoo Summary of Economic Contributions to Hillsborough County

23 Lowry Park Zoo Summary of Economic Contributions to Hillsborough County
FY Total Contribution: Jobs on average Output - $71.67 million Money wages - $24.28 million FY through FY Total Contribution: Jobs average per year Output - $64.46 million average per year Money wages - $24.32 million average per year 2/24/2019

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