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Mrs. Miller’s News! Specialist schedule Math Reading Social Studies

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1 Mrs. Miller’s News! Specialist schedule Math Reading Social Studies
Phone: Math This week in math we worked on studying math word problems to understand what the problem is asking, we took our mid-module assessment and began solving addition stories and relating them to subtraction equations. Reading This week in reading we began our unit on being a “Word Detective. Our first mission was “to be on the LOOKOUT for hard to solve words”. Social Studies This week talked about what we can and can not do in the bathroom. We also worked on passive, aggressive and assertive language to get help when needed. Upcoming events October 8th - NO SCHOOL October 19th – Costume Carnival October 15th – Oct. Book order due October 31st Reading log due PLEASE sign up for a parent teacher conference! On Skyward! Specialist schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Music PE Library NONE

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