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Investigating the Law of Reflection

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Presentation on theme: "Investigating the Law of Reflection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigating the Law of Reflection
Lesson 2 - Properties of Light Investigating the Law of Reflection What is the “Normal Line” What is the “Angle of Incidence” What is the “Angle of Reflection”

2 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Your Task!!! You are being given a worksheet that requires you to use the materials shown below to come up with your own “LAW of REFLECTION”

3 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Textbook Time!!! Turn to page 195 in the Science in Action 8 Textbook. While you are reading, please look out for the following terms: - Angle of Incidence - Angle of Reflection - Normal Line

4 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Measuring the Angles

5 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
What Did You Find?

6 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
What Did You Find?

7 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
The Law of Reflection Question 1 The Law of Reflection States: When rays of light reflect off of a surface, the INCOMING angle of incidence is EQUAL to the OUTGOING angle of reflection

8 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Read pages 194 & 196 Turn to pages 194 & 196 in the Science in Action 8 Textbook. Please read pages 194 and 196 and use those pages to help you answer questions: # 2 - 5

9 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Question 2 Total of 2 marks What is the name given to the ray as it moves toward the mirror? RAY of INCIDENCE (1 mark) RAY of REFLECTION (1 mark)

10 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Question 3 Total of 1 mark If you make the “Angle of Incidence” larger with your ray of light, will the “Angle of Reflection” get smaller or larger? (circle one) SMALLER or LARGER Because i = r If you make i larger, then naturally r will have to become larger as well.

11 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Question 4 Total of 5 marks On the template below, please draw a ray (indicate the direction using arrows) as it reflects off of a reflective surface.

12 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light Ray of Reflection (1 mark)
Question 4 Total of 5 marks Normal Line (1 mark) Ray of Incidence (1 mark) Ray of Reflection (1 mark) Angle of Incidence (1 mark) Angle of Reflection (1 mark)

13 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Question 5 1 mark each… Total of 3 marks Using the diagrams below, please fill in what the missing angle would be given the information presented in each picture. 36° 68° 15°

14 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Read pages & 197 Turn to pages & 197 in the Science Focus 8 Textbook. Please read pages and 197 and use those pages to help you answer questions: # 6 - 9

15 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Question 6 Total of 1 mark What type of surfaces usually create Diffuse Reflection? ROUGH SURFACES (1 mark)

16 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Question 7 Total of 2 marks Does the “Law of Reflection” apply to both Regular and Diffuse reflection… Explain? YES (1 mark) Even in diffuse reflection, if you zoom in on the surface very closely, the angles of incidence and reflection are always equal (1 mark)

17 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Question 8 a) Total of 2 marks For each ray in each diagram, please indicate with a dotted line, where the NORMAL LINE would be.

18 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Question 8 a) Total of 2 marks For each ray in each diagram, please indicate with a dotted line, where the NORMAL LINE would be. (1 mark) (1 mark)

19 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Question 8 b) Total of 2 marks Compare the direction of the Normal Lines for the rays on the Regular reflection diagram, to the direction of the Normal Lines for the rays in the Diffuse reflection diagram. What do you notice? All of the normal lines for “Regular Reflection” point in the same direction (1 mark). For “Diffuse Reflection” all of the normal lines point in different directions. (1 mark)

20 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light Regular Reflection Diffuse Reflection
Question 9 No marks Regular Reflection Diffuse Reflection

21 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light Regular Reflection
Question 9 Regular Reflection Diffuse Reflection (Everything Else)

22 Lesson 2 - Properties of Light
Light & Optics Quiz I Your total should be out of 20… please add your marks and give yourself a % Don’t forget to make sure that you are reading the textbooks and getting the information you need out of them! If you need the textbook pages to help with this assignment, everything can be found on… Any of these questions can and will be found on the next quiz which is fast approaching!!!

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