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Test Item Analysis Science Grade 6 Josh Doty John Sevier Middle School Kingsport, TN Grade Level: 6 Content Area: Earth Science Source: 2007 Tennessee.

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Presentation on theme: "Test Item Analysis Science Grade 6 Josh Doty John Sevier Middle School Kingsport, TN Grade Level: 6 Content Area: Earth Science Source: 2007 Tennessee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Item Analysis Science Grade 6 Josh Doty John Sevier Middle School Kingsport, TN Grade Level: 6 Content Area: Earth Science Source: 2007 Tennessee TCAP Practice Test, page 26

2 Navigation Page Step I: Item Analysis Standardized Test Item Test Item Type Test Item Structure Embedded Content and Skills Step III: Instructional Alignment Lesson Plan Step II: Standards Alignment Connections to Curriculum Framework Content Clarification Strand Map

3 Standardized Test Item

4 Test Item Type Test Item Type Multiple Choice with Diagram Analysis Navigation Page

5 Step I: Test Item Structure Stem: According to the map, which region has a cold front with rain moving through? Diagram: The diagram contains a weather map with various cold/warm fronts, high/low pressure areas, and a compass rose. A key is also included. Distractors: Answer choices G, H, and J are distractors because they do not match the symbols from the key. Correct answer choice: The correct answer is F. What makes this the correct choice? The cold front symbol from the key is located over the northeastern states and it also contains the gray-shaded region representing rain. Navigation Page

6 Embedded Concepts & Process Skills Step I: Embedded Concepts & Process Skills Concepts and Big Ideas Atmospheric Cycles Weather Process (Inquiry or problem solving) Skills Map Reading Interpreting Directions Using a Compass Rose Using a Map Key Webbs Knowledge Levels Strategic Thinking Navigation Page

7 Connections to State Curriculum Framework Earth and Space Science Standard Number: 8.0 Atmospheric Cycles The student will investigate the relationships among atmospheric conditions, weather, and climate. Learning Expectations: 8.2 Investigate the relationship between the collection of weather data and its interpretation. Navigation Page

8 Content Clarification or Topic Study To view the content clarification for this topic click here To view the content clarification for this topic click here Navigation Page

9 Atlas of Science Literacy Navigation Page NSDL Strand Map: The Physical Setting; Weather & Climate

10 Instructional Alignment Click here to see the Virtual Field Trip Lesson that corresponds with this test item Navigation Page

11 Test Item Analysis Glossary Navigation Page Alignment: degree to which the components of an instructional plan work together to achieve a desired learning goal for students. Cognitive demand: level of thinking required to solve a problem, complete a task, or answer a question. Constructed response: student-created answer to a test item as in an essay. Content crosswalk: method for examining correlations between different sets of standards. Content clarification: process for researching a standard from the perspectives of the content knowledge base and factors that influence teaching and learning. Distractor: incorrect option within a test item. Embedded science concept: implicit idea that needs to be understood to successfully complete a test item. Enhanced multiple choice: question that elicits prior knowledge, integrates knowledge and process skills, and uses an enhancement such as a map, graph, speech excerpt. Essay: relatively short prose composition on a limited topic. Open-ended question: prompt that allows test-takers to respond in their own words Extended response: open-ended question that allows students to provide detailed written answers. Multiple choice: question in which the test-taker selects a response from several possible alternatives. Multiple selection: test item includes more than one correct answer that must be identified.

12 Test Item Analysis Glossary Navigation Page Performance task: direct, systematic observation of a student action or product that is scored according to pre-established criteria. Released test item: previously used standardized test question or task that have been made available to the public. Scenario analysis: students respond to a task centered on an image or set of circumstances. Standardized test item finder: tool that identifies websites that contain test items released by state departments of education or national agencies. State standards locator: tool with direct links to websites that contain state standards. Stem: statement or question used to frame a multiple-choice item. Strand maps: visual representations found in the Atlas of Science Literacy that illustrate the Learning Progressions embedded in standards. Test item analysis: process for designing instruction that is mindful of standardized testing. Topic study: careful analysis of a concept that examines the requisite content knowledge base and issues associated with teaching and learning. Webbs depth of knowledge level: hierarchical scale that measures the cognitive complexity of a learning expectation. (See:

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