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Happy Friday! 11/10/17 Do Now: How comfortable do you feel about starting Hamlet? What do you know about Shakespeare and/or the play Hamlet?

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Friday! 11/10/17 Do Now: How comfortable do you feel about starting Hamlet? What do you know about Shakespeare and/or the play Hamlet?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Happy Friday! 11/10/17 Do Now: How comfortable do you feel about starting Hamlet? What do you know about Shakespeare and/or the play Hamlet?

3 Learning Target and Success Criteria
Learning Target: I will be able to use my context clues skills and other reading skills I have to figure out the meaning of a passage written in Old English. Success Criteria: I can read a passage in Old English and write an objective summary.

4 Class work Read passage: Hamlet ACT I Scene 5 Lines 13-96
Write an objective summary of the overall text. Remember to include setting, character names, conflict, and the meaning of the passage. (6-8 sentences)

5 Happy Monday! 11/13/17 Do Now: How well do you think you did on the pre- assessment? What was hard about it?. What was easy? Explain. ***CELL PHONES OFF AND AWAY!!***

6 Learning Target and Success Criteria
Learning Target: I will be able to learn background knowledge about Shakespeare, old English, and Hamlet Success Criteria: From the video, I can provide a two paragraph objective summary.

7 Class work Watch video Complete worksheet Write summary

8 Exit Ticket Write one fact that you remember from the video that you did not include in your 15 facts.

9 Happy Thursday! 11/9/17 Do Now: What is one interesting fact you got from the video? If you weren’t here to see the video, why do you think Shakespeare continues to be read today across the globe?

10 Learning Target and Success Criteria
Learning Target: Students will be able to learn background knowledge about Shakespeare, old English, and Hamlet Success Criteria: From the power point, I will be able to provide and a two paragraph objective summary.

11 Class work Powerpoint & Notes Shakespeare discussion.

12 Drop Everything And Read! 

13 Happy Thursday! 11/16/17 Do Now:
How did you feel about the different classes that existed during Elizabethan period? Explain.

14 Learning Target and Success Criteria
Learning Target: Students will be able to learn background knowledge about Shakespeare, old English, and Hamlet. Success Criteria: I will answer and discuss survey questions about themes from the Hamlet.

15 Class work Read through character list and summary for Act 1
Fill out survey questions Fill out chart on back Discuss full class on themes

16 Exit Ticket What do you think some of the themes are going to be that we will be reading about in Hamlet?

17 “This above all, to thine own self be true.” Quote from Hamlet.
Happy Friday! 11/17/17 Do Now: Copy the quote down. What does the following quote mean? Explain in three to four sentences. “This above all, to thine own self be true.” Quote from Hamlet.

18 Learning target and success criteria
Learning Target: I will learn about: tone, character, conflict and setting by reading Hamlet in Old English. Success Criteria: I can comprehend the text by using multi-draft reading strategies. I can identify characters, setting, tone and conflict for each Scene in Act 1.

19 Class work Today’s Tasks: Focus: Exposition Characters Setting
Tone (multiple) Conflict (multiple) Read ACT I Scene I as a class.

20 Happy Monday! 11/20/17 Do Now: Copy the quote down. What does the following quote mean? Explain in three to four sentences. “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Quote from Hamlet

21 Learning target and success criteria
Learning Target: I will learn about: tone, character, conflict and setting by reading Hamlet in Old English. Success Criteria: I can comprehend the text by using multi-draft reading strategies. I can identify characters, setting, tone and conflict for each Scene in Act 1.

22 Class work Today’s Tasks: Focus: Exposition Characters Setting
Tone (multiple) Conflict (multiple) Read ACT I Scene I as a class.

23 Happy Monday! 11/27/17 Do Now: Copy down the quote, and write what it means in 3-4 sentences. “Doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love.” --Quote from Hamlet

24 Learning target and success criteria
Learning Target: I will learn about: tone, character, conflict and setting by reading Hamlet in Old English. Success Criteria: I can comprehend the text by using multi-draft reading strategies. I can identify characters, setting, tone and conflict for each Scene in Act 1.

25 Class work Today’s Tasks: Focus: Exposition Characters Setting
Tone (multiple) Conflict (multiple) Read ACT I Scene II as a class.

26 Collecting Friday: everything should be COMPLETE!!!!
ACT I Scenes I-V worksheet. (50 pts) Hamlet Character worksheet (50 pts)

27 Do Now: Happy Tuesday! 11/28/17
Copy down the quote and paraphrase it in 3- 4 sentences. “I will speak daggers to her, but use none.” - Quote from Hamlet

28 Drop Everything And Read! 

29 Happy Thursday! 11/30/17 Do Now:
Please summarize yesterday’s reading (Act 1 scene 3). What were the topics discussed between Laeretes, Ophelia, and Polonius?

30 Learning target and success criteria
Learning Target: I will learn about: tone, character, conflict and setting by reading Hamlet in Old English. Success Criteria: I can comprehend the text by using multi-draft reading strategies. I can identify characters, setting, tone and conflict for each scene in Act 1.

31 Class work Today’s Tasks: Focus: Exposition Characters Setting
Tone (multiple) Conflict (multiple) Read ACT I Scene III & IV as a class.

32 Collecting Friday: everything should be COMPLETE!!!!
ACT I Scenes I-V worksheet. Hamlet Character worksheet.

33 Exit Ticket What was the gist (summary) of Act One?
Who were the characters introduced? Where is the setting of the play?

34 Happy Friday! 12/1/17 DO NOW: Summarize Act 1 scenes 4-5 (based on the reading and video).

35 Learning target and success criteria
Learning Target: I will learn about: tone, character, conflict and setting by reading Hamlet in Old English. Success Criteria: I can comprehend the text by using multi-draft reading strategies. I can identify characters, setting, tone and conflict for each scene in Act 1.

36 Class work Act 1, Scene 2: Synopsis
Inside the castle the new King addresses his assembled court, speaking of the old King’s death, and of his own marriage. He tells them of the Norwegian threat. Laertes requests that he may return to Paris, and Hamlet asks permission to go back to his university. The Prince appears sullen and withdrawn, so both the King and the Queen try to console him for the death of his father. When he is left alone on the stage, however, Hamlet reveals the cause of his sorrow- not his father’s death, but his mother’s remarriage. Horatio greets Hamlet, and tells him of the Ghost’s appearance. They arrange to meet on the gun-platform with the guards

37 Class work continued… ACT I Scenes I-IV quiz.
Last 10-minutes: Whole class report out on quiz.

38 Exit Ticket What is the tone of the play thus far?
What conflict do we learn about in scenes 2-3?

39 Happy Monday! 12/4/17 DO NOW: Copy down this quote and paraphrase its meaning in your own words sentences. “Listen to many, speak to a few.” -Quote from Hamlet

40 Learning target and success criteria
Learning Target: I will learn about: tone, character, conflict and setting by reading Hamlet in Old English. Success Criteria: I can comprehend the text by using multi-draft reading strategies. I can identify characters, setting, tone, the deepening of the conflict, and character motivation for each scene in Act 2.

41 Class work Act II Scene I.

42 Exit Ticket Please write a summary of Act 2 of Hamlet.

43 Happy Tuesday! 12/5/17 DO NOW:
Please copy down this quote in your WNB. Paraphrase this quote in your own words, 3-4 sentences. “God hath given you one face and you make yourself another.” -Quote from Hamlet

44 Learning Goal and Objective
Learning Goal: I will be able to use close reading strategies to follow the rising action of the plot and to consider the character’s motivation. Objectives: I can use multi-draft reading strategies to help me comprehend the text. determine how the author develops the conflict in Act 2. identify the character’s motivation throughout Act 2.

45 Class work Act II, Scene II: Multi-draft reading:
First draft read: What events lead to the deepening of a conflict? 5 lines from the text (direct quotation/paraphrase- refer to line numbers)

46 Class work continued… Second draft read: What are you learning about the character’s motivation? What motivates him/her? 5 lines from the text (direct quotation/paraphrase-refer to line numbers)

47 Exit Ticket Please list each character in the scene and write about their motivations.

48 Happy Wednesday! 12/6/17 Do Now:
Copy down this quote and write what you think it means in 3-4 sentences. “When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.” -Quote from Hamlet

49 Summary Please summarize Act 2 scene 1 in 5-7 sentences.
What was Polonius asking of Reynaldo and what was their conversation based on? What did Ophelia tell Polonius about? What was his reaction?

50 Learning Goal and Objective
Learning Goal: I will be able to use close reading strategies to follow the rising action of the plot and to consider the character’s motivation. Objectives: I can use multi-draft reading strategies to help me comprehend the text. determine how the author develops the conflict in Act 2. identify the character’s motivation throughout Act 2.

51 Class work Act II, Scene II continued... Multi-draft reading:
First draft read: What events lead to the deepening of a conflict? 5 lines from the text (direct quotation/paraphrase- refer to line numbers) Second draft read: What are you learning about the character’s motivation? What motivates him/her?

52 Happy Friday! 12/8/17 DO NOW: Copy down this quote. Write what this means in 3-4 sentences. “I must be cruel only to be kind.” -Quote by Hamlet

53 LT/SC Learning Target: I will be able to use close reading strategies to follow the rising action of the plot and to consider the character’s motivation. Success Criteria: I can use multi-draft reading strategies to help me comprehend the text. determine how the author develops the conflict in Act 2. identify the character’s motivation throughout Act 2.

54 Class work Finish ACT II Scene II. ACT II discussion.
Character motivation. conflict.

55 Exit Ticket What events do you believe are making up the climax of the play?

56 Happy Monday! 12/11/17 DO NOW: Please copy down the quote. What does it mean in your own words, 3-4 sentences. “To be or not to be, that is the question.” -Quote from Hamlet

57 Learning Target and Success Criteria
Learning Target: I will be able to use my context clues skills and other reading skills I have to figure out the meaning of a passage written in Old English. Success Criteria: I can read a passage in Old English and write an objective summary.

58 Class work: Mid-Unit Assessment
Read passage: Hamlet ACT III Scene I Lines on page 63. Write an objective summary of the overall text. Remember to include setting, character names, conflict, and the meaning of the passage. (6-8 sentences)

59 Happy Tuesday! 12/12/17 DO NOW:
Copy down this quote in your WNB. Paraphrase it’s meaning in 3-4 sentences. “Lord we know what we are, but know not what we may be.” -Quote from Hamlet

60 Learning Target: I will know that the climax of a 5 act tragedy will be a place where the situation goes from bad to worse. Readers also know that soliloquies offer important insights into the character’s thoughts and feelings. Success Criteria: I can make informed predictions about the outcome of the play. engage in close reading of a soliloquy to analyze the character. reveal the events that make up/constitute the climax.

61 Class work Today’s Tasks: Act 3, Scene 1

62 Exit Ticket Please make a prediction of what you think will come next in Act 3 based on your reading from today and the rest of this week.

63 Happy Friday! 12/15/17 DO NOW: Copy this down in your WNB. What does it mean in 3- 4 sentences? “But break, my heart, or I must hold my tongue.” - Quote from Hamlet

64 SOLACE sol·ace Word of the Week
PART OF SPEECH/DEFINITION: NOUN: 1. Comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or distress; consolation. 2. A source of comfort or consolation. VERB: 1. To comfort, cheer, or console, as in trouble or sorrow. 2. To allay or assuage. SENTENCE: After another hard day of hitting the books at school, the student found solace and comfort waiting for him at home in the shape of an old security blanket.

65 Learning Goal: I will know that the climax of a 5 act tragedy will be a place where the situation goes from bad to worse. Readers also know that soliloquies offer important insights into the character’s thoughts and feelings. Success Criteria: I can make informed predictions about the outcome of the play. engage in close reading of a soliloquy to analyze the character. reveal the events that make up/constitute the climax.

66 Class work Act 3, Scene 2

67 Happy Tuesday! 12/19/17 Do Now:
Copy down the quote. Describe what it means in 3-4 sentences. “Give thy thoughts no tongue.” -Quote from Hamlet

68 Learning Target: I will know that the climax of a 5 act tragedy will be a place where the situation goes from bad to worse. Readers also know that soliloquies offer important insights into the character’s thoughts and feelings. Success Criteria: I can make informed predictions about the outcome of the play. engage in close reading of a soliloquy to analyze the character. reveal the events that make up/constitute the climax.

69 Class work Act 3, Scene 3

70 Happy Thursday! 12/21/17 DO NOW:
Please predict your performance on the post assessment. Will you be proficient, close, or intervention? Why do you think this?

71 LT/SC Learning Target-- I will show my proficiency understanding an Old English passage of Hamlet. Success Criteria--I can write an objective summary focusing on characters, setting, conflict, and tone.

72 Post Assessment Please write an objective summary. It must be sentences (no more or less). Focus on the characters (and their relationship to each other), the setting, the tone, and the conflict. The passage is on pages The lines are Be sure you are the RIGHT passage!!

73 Learning Goal: I will know that the climax of a 5 act tragedy will be a place where the situation goes from bad to worse. Readers also know that soliloquies offer important insights into the character’s thoughts and feelings. Success Criteria: I can make informed predictions about the outcome of the play. engage in close reading of a soliloquy to analyze the character. reveal the events that make up/constitute the climax.

74 Class work Act 3, Scene 4

75 Happy Thursday! 12/7/17 Do Now:
Please copy down this quote in your WNB. Explain this quote in 3-4 sentences. “Our wills and fates do so contrary run.” -Quote from Hamlet

76 Learning Goal: I will know that the climax of a 5 act tragedy will be a place where the situation goes from bad to worse. Readers also know that soliloquies offer important insights into the character’s thoughts and feelings. Success Criteria: I can make informed predictions about the outcome of the play. engage in close reading of a soliloquy to analyze the character. reveal the events that make up/constitute the climax.

77 Class work Act 3 quiz. Go over quiz.

78 Happy Friday! 12/22/17 Do Now: Please write a paragraph about what you plan to do this winter break.

79 Happy Monday! 12/11/17 Do Now: Copy down this quote. Write 3-4 sentences explaining the quote. “By Heaven I’ll make a ghost of him that lets me.” -Quote from Hamlet

80 Happy Tuesday! 12/12/17 Do Now:
Copy down the quote and explain it in your own words. 3-4 sentences. “To sleep perchance to dream.” -Quote from Hamlet

81 Happy Wednesday! 12/13/17 Do Now:
Copy down the quote. Please paraphrase the quote in 3-4 sentences. “Oh shame! Where is thy blush?” -Quote from Hamlet

82 Happy Thursday! 12/14/17 Do Now:
Copy this quote in your WNB. Explain in 3-4 sentences. “Death----the undiscovered country.” Hamlet quote

83 Happy Friday! 12/15/17 Do Now: Copy this quote in your WNB. Explain in 3-4 sentences. “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Hamlet quote

84 Happy Monday! Do Now: Copy this quote in your WNB. Explain in 3-4 sentences. “Stay! Speak, speak! I charge thee….SPEAK!” Hamlet quote

85 Happy Tuesday! Do Now: Copy this quote into your WNB. Explain in 3-4 sentences. "More matter with less art" Hamlet Quote

86 Happy Wednesday! 12-20-2017 Do Now
Copy this quote into your WNB. Explain in 3-4 sentences. "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't." Hamlet Quote

87 Happy Thursday! 12-21-2017 Do Now
Copy this quote into your WNB. Explain in 3-4 sentences. "O my offense is rank, it smells to heaven." Hamlet Quote

88 Happy Friday! Copy the quote into your WNB. Explain in 3-4 sentences. "I am justly killed with my own treachery" Hamlet Quote

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