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3rd Year ODTP Graduation Guidelines

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1 3rd Year ODTP Graduation Guidelines
ODTP Clinical Competency 2018 – 2019 Guidelines Alan W. Budenz, MS, DDS, MBA

2 Changes in the ODTP Process
ODTP Step 1 New July 2018: Students need to complete an X-ray Interpretation form in axiUm. This should be done BEFORE the first appointment for all new patients, or, if new x-rays are taken on recall patients, during Step 1. Faculty need to review the form and x-rays, and approve the form The Head & Neck Exam Form (ODH&N) now requires faculty review and approval

3 ODTP Quarterly Minimum Clinical Experiences
Minimum Clinical Experiences: combined D0150 & D0120 procedures completed by the end of each Quarter of the Senior year DDS: Summer Quarter – IDS: Summer Quarter – 12 Autumn Quarter – Autumn Quarter – 16 Winter Quarter – Winter Quarter – 20 Spring Quarter – Spring Quarter – 24

4 ODTP Quarterly Clinical SUMMATIVE Competency
You will be required to complete and pass 3 of these in your Senior Year One Competency is required to be passed per quarter for the Summer, Autumn, and Winter Quarters This comprises 20% of your quarterly COH 318 & 319 Clinical Management and Judgment course grade assigned by your GPL Failure to complete and pass this Competency will result in an INC grade for the quarter, and the loss of one letter grade once remediated INC grades MUST be remediated within the following quarter. If not, the INC becomes an F grade

5 ODTP Quarterly Clinical SUMMATIVE Competency
The goal is to assess each student’s ability to identify and evaluate patient data and clinical findings; formulate diagnoses; and plan treatment interventions from a multidisciplinary perspective. This is a teaching tool and an assessment tool that will move your ODTP skill set forward towards consistent competency. This is why one Competency is required to be taken in each quarter: to demonstrate continued growth and consistency.

6 ODTP Quarterly Clinical SUMMATIVE Competency
Patient Criteria: A new patient D0150 or a recall patient D0120 The treatment plan must involve at least 3 of the 6 disciplines: Perio, Endo, Operative (direct or indirect), Fixed & Rem Pros, Ortho, OS Missing or will be missing 2 or more teeth (excluding 3rd molars) Mounted study casts are MANDATORY At least some form of periodontitis with some probing depths of 5 mm or more All factors must be completed and scored, otherwise the test case is incomplete and doesn’t count Only 1 faculty grader is required

7 ODTP Quarterly Clinical SUMMATIVE Competency

8 ODTP Quarterly Clinical SUMMATIVE Competency
To complete a Quarterly Clinical Competency : Print out the ODTP Clinical Competency SUMMATIVE Competency form Have the faculty circle the score for each of the 15 completed factors on the form. After completing the appointment (these competencies take two appointments), have the faculty enter the scores for all completed Factors into the Quarterly Clinical SUMMATIVE Competency form in axiUm; you should keep the paper copy for your records.

9 The GOAL: Is competency, proficiency in oral diagnosis and treatment planning That requires a very intimate and fully integrated knowledge of ALL aspects of dentistry Our new graduates have a well deserved reputation as competent beginning general practitioners The hardest clinical skill is to know WHAT to do (or not to do!) and WHEN I want each of you to be the best diagnosticians this school has ever produced

10 The Future of Dentistry

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