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Presentation on theme: "IF WE FOLLOW THE OLD LAW TODAY"— Presentation transcript:


2 We are no longer under the Old Law – Colossians 2:14
This was a major point of contention during the first century While not as great today, many still appeal to the Old Law for authority in some things. Are there consequences to this?

3 We are Not Justified Justified – to be judicially vindicated, to be made right in some way Galatians 2:16, not by works of the Law but by faith in Jesus Christ Galatians 3:11, no one is justified by the Law in the sight of God is evident… IF we follow the Old Law…

4 We are Not Justified To appeal to portions of the Old Law today may not mean you are trying to keep all of it. Most would admit this. BUT, in whatever you appeal to the Law of Moses for authority, you are seeking justification by the LOM in that! IF we follow the Old Law…

5 We are Not Justified To appeal to the OT to justify instrumental music (or priestly robes, or incense, tithing, or the Sabbath) is to seek to keep that portion of the Old Law. To be justified in God’s eyes is to keep His will for you. For us that means following Jesus! IF we follow the Old Law…

6 We need to keep all of it While many disagree with this, it is what Paul said… Galatians 5:3, with the illustration of circumcision. If you seek justification in one thing, you need to keep the whole thing. Can we pick and choose what laws to follow???? IF we follow the Old Law…

7 We need to keep all of it Paul’s point to the Galatians was that the LOM was now complete Galatians 3:19-25, the LOM was added…till the seed (Christ) should come. It brought us to Christ and thus we no longer need the “tutor” IF we follow the Old Law…

8 We need to keep all of it Paul’s point was also to note that the LOM stands by itself! (If it’s not complete,…) Hence, if we keep any of it, we must keep all of it. Illustration: Can we keep England’s driving laws in the US? While many of our traffic laws are identical, if we drove by English laws, we would be in trouble! IF we follow the Old Law…

9 We need to keep all of it IF you were in Israel of old, you needed to follow the LOM. BUT, we are not in Israel of old. That law was nailed to the cross and replaced with a new testament (will). Acts 15:10, furthermore, it was a yoke that even they could not keep IF we follow the Old Law…

10 Christ died in vain Galatians 2:21, If righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died in vain. Righteousness – means being right before God (similar to being justified). It involves our standing before Him by the way we live. Neither justification or righteousness comes through the LOM anymore IF we follow the Old Law…

11 Christ died in vain Galatians 2:21
Whether we seek justification from God or we think we can be righteous through the LOM, we are in essence saying that Christ did not need to die (because we reason we can be justified or made righteous through the LOM) IF we follow the Old Law…

12 Christ died in vain Can we pick and choose which parts of the LOM we are justified by, OR made righteous, WITHOUT affecting what the death of Jesus accomplished? Remember, the Old Law stands or dies together! IF we follow the Old Law…

13 Christ will profit you nothing
Galatians 5:2, if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing There were Galatian Christians considering submitting to (at least portions of) the LOM. Paul warns, to do that, would make Christ of no profit to them IF we follow the Old Law…

14 Christ will profit you nothing
Galatians 5:2 Consider this when we want to pick and choose which parts of God law we can follow today. Thought: IF we can pick and choose which parts of the LOM to follow, what about the NT? IF we follow the Old Law…

15 Christ will profit you nothing
Galatians 5:2 When we fail to keep the WHOLE of His law, are we really obeying Him? Hebrews 5:9 James 2:10-11, Matthew 7:21-23, Luke 6:46, etc. Does keeping MOST of His law or PART of His law to us satisfy Him? Consider the farmer who instructed his son. Did he REALLY obey his father? IF we follow the Old Law…

16 It changes the teachings of Jesus
We need to accept ALL that Jesus taught! Matthew 28:18, Luke 24:44 Matthew 17:1-5, “hear Him!” Matthew 5:17-18 – until all is fulfilled Hebrews 8-9 – how is Jesus our High Priest? 8:7, 13; 9:15-17 IF we follow the Old Law…

17 The apostles were false teachers
They taught the Old Law is no longer in force. And paid a great price for it! They taught it had become dead – Romans 7:4-6 2 Corinthians 3:7, “a ministry of death written and engraved on stones…” IF we follow the Old Law…

18 The apostles were false teachers
Consider 1 Corinthians 15:13-15, speaking of the resurrection, Paul notes if there is no resurrection, they are false teachers BECAUSE they taught the resurrection. Could the same be said about abolishing the Old Law? IF we follow the Old Law…

19 The apostles were false teachers
When we place the teachings of the Old Law over that of the apostles (who taught with Christ’s authority Matthew 28:19-20, 1 Corinthians 14:37, Galatians 1:12, John 14:27, 16:12-13, etc.) are we not declaring they taught error concerning the LOM? IF we follow the Old Law…

20 You have fallen from grace
Galatians 5:4, when we seek justification by that law, we are rejecting God’s New Law and thus have fallen out of favor with God (fallen from grace). We CAN fall from grace! IF we follow the Old Law…

21 You have fallen from grace
To fall from grace means our souls are in danger - 2 Peter 2:20-22, Hebrews 10:26-31 We need the grace of God (Ephesians 2:4-9). Without it we are lost. To fall from grace is to be in a lost state! IF we follow the Old Law…

22 So, is the Old Testament useful today?
Absolutely – Romans 15:4, 2 Timothy 2:15, 3:16-17, etc. But we are not under that law and CANNOT seek justification by it! It is NOT our source of authority in ANYTHING!

23 Let us resolve to simply be, New Testament Christians!


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