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World War I Propaganda.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I Propaganda."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I Propaganda

2 Information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause.
Propaganda Information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause.

3 Canada 1914 What countries are represented in this photo?
What country is not?

4 UK 1914 What is this poster portraying the Germans as?
Is it very effective?

5 Germany and Austria/Hungary 1914
What are some of the feelings expressed in this poster? What is the purpose of the children?

6 UK and France Entente 1914 How are the different alliances portrayed in the following posters?

7 Russia Triple Entente 1914

8 Germany 1914

9 Allies 1914

10 Canada Why would these posters appeal to Canadians with British heritage?

11 Canada Are there any Canadian symbols in these posters?

12 Canada Would these posters have been effective in recruiting French Canadians?

13 Canada Why would playing on people’s fear and guilt be effective in propaganda?

14 Canada Why would governments use children as propaganda?

15 Canada What is the message in these posters?

16 Canada What are some of the messages from these posters?
Is it right to expect Canadians to make sacrifices so food can be shipped to Britain?

17 Canada Why show soldiers who are wounded and in danger?
Would a person react differently to a wounded nurse than they would to the soldier?

18 Canada What are the messages in these posters?

19 Canada Is it right to portray an enemy in this way?

20 United Kingdom 1915

21 United Kingdom 1915 How are women portrayed in these posters?

22 United Kingdom 1917 How are German women being portrayed differently from British women in these posters? How are they different from the previous set of posters?

23 United Kingdom 1917 How are Germans being portrayed in these posters?
Do you think Germany was portraying the British in the same way to their citizens?

24 Allies 1917 Who are the new additions to the allied side?

25 United Kingdom 1918 What is the similar message in these posters?

26 United Kingdom 1918 How is fear being used in these posters?

27 Germany and Austria/Hungary 1916
What message is being conveyed in this poster?

28 Germany How is the emotional impact different between these two posters?

29 Australia What emotions and feelings are these posters playing on?

30 Russia What type of climate were the Russians fighting in?
Why would this create sympathy?

31 USA 1917 Why would the USA want to show their Armed Forces with smiling faces? How is this different from the reality the soldiers would face?

32 Allies 1918 Who is missing in 1918 that was in the picture in 1914?

33 Create Your Own WWI Poster
Create a poster for one of the following: A. convince Canadians to support the war B. convince men to join the armed forces C. convince women to join the Red Cross D. convince citizens to ration food and resources Come up with a catchy slogan: Support Our Canadian Boys In Europe Draw some images that go with your slogan Colour your poster

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