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2014 Drought Emergency Water Conservation Measures

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1 2014 Drought Emergency Water Conservation Measures
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2 California’s Continuing Drought
Three consecutive dry years Second Driest Snowpack on record State Water Project Cuts Delivery Zero Deliveries January – March 2014 5% Allocation for Year Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons. What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?

3 State Actions Governor Declares Drought State of Emergency – January 17, 2014 Governor Orders Increased Water Conservations Measures – April 25, 2014 State Water Resources Control Board – July 15, 2014 Drought Declaration Adopts Statewide Emergency Regulations State Office of Administration Law – July 28, 2014 Approves Drought Emergency Water Conservation Regulations

4 State Emergency Regulations
Statewide Water Prohibitions Applying Water in a Manner that Causes Runoff to Private/Public Driveways, Non-Irrigated Areas Adjacent Properties, Public Walkways/Roadways Washing Vehicles Using Hose Without Shut-off Nozzle Use of Water to Wash Driveways or Walkways Use of Water in Non-Circulating Decorative Fountains Fines Up to $ per Day

5 State Emergency Regulations
Urban Water Suppliers Actions Limit Outdoor Irrigation – Two Days Per Week or Twenty Percent Water Use Reduction Submit Monthly Water Use Report Beginning October 15, 2014 Fines of $10, per Day

6 Phase III Water Use Restrictions
No Hose Washing of Sidewalks, Walkways, Driveways, Parking Areas or other Paved Surfaces Except as is Required for Sanitary Purposes; Washing of Motor Vehicles, Trailers, Boats and Other Types of Mobile Equipment Shall be Done ONLY with a Hand-Held Bucket or a Hose Equipped with a Positive Shutoff Nozzle for Quick Rinses;

7 Phase III Water Use Restrictions
No Water Shall be Used to Clean, Fill or Maintain Levels in Decorative Fountains, Ponds, Lakes or Other Similar Aesthetic Structures Unless such Water is Part of a Recycling System; No Restaurant, Hotel, Café, Cafeteria or Other Public Place where Food is Sold, Served or Offered for Sale, Shall Serve Drinking Water to Any Customer Unless Expressly Requested.

8 Phase III Water Use Restrictions
All Customers of the City Shall Promptly Repair All Leaks From Indoor and Outdoor Plumbing Fixtures; No Customer of the City Shall Cause or Allow the Water to Run Off Landscape Areas into Adjoining Streets, Sidewalks, or other Paved Areas Due to Incorrectly Directed or Maintained Sprinklers or Excessive Watering;

9 Phase III Water Use Restrictions
No Lawn, Landscape or Other Turf Area Shall be Watered on Days other than Monday and Thursday During the Hours Between Midnight and 6:00 AM or 6:00 PM and Midnight; Except that this Provision Shall Not Apply to Commercial Nurseries or other Water-Dependent Industries; Commercial Nurseries and Other Water-Dependent Industries Shall Be Prohibited from Watering Lawn, Landscaping and other Turf Areas more often than Every Other Day and Between the Hours of 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM; Except that there Shall Be No Restriction on Watering Utilizing Reclaimed Water.

10 Meeting the Goal What Residents Can Do:
Check for Leaks and Runoff – Indoors and Outdoors Reduce Turf – Replace with Drought Tolerant Plants or with Synthetic Turf Replace Older Fixtures, Toilets, Dish and Clothes Washers What Commercial Customers Can Do: Check Irrigation Systems for Leaks, Broken Sprinklers, Set Time Controllers Retrofit/Replace Inefficient Equipment

11 Implementation Outreach – Rules and Regulations Enforcement
Notices to Households City Newsletter City Website Enforcement Field Observation Customer Notification Penalty Assessment

12 Enforcement & Penalty Assessment
Code Violation Penalty is Progressive First Violation: Written Notice Second Violation: $ fine Third Violation: $ fine Fourth & Subsequent Violations: $ fine Not a Revenue Source Violations and Fines are Required for Grant Funding

13 Action Items Determine Water Supply Shortage Exists and Implementation of Water Conservation Measures are Categorically Exempt From CEQA Adopt Resolution Implementing Phase III Water Conservation Measures Pursuant to Title 6, Chapter 5, Article 4 of the Municipal Code

14 Questions

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