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Thank you for not chewing gum or anything else 

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you for not chewing gum or anything else "— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you for not chewing gum or anything else 
Materials: Pencil Notebook/Folder Lab Text pg. D-14 Lab Text Pg D- 4 (Finish Act 36) December 5th Agenda: Bell work BP: Layers of the Earth Activity 38: Beneath the Earth’s Surface Daily Objective: Today we will learn about the structure of the Earth. Daily Question: What is beneath the Earth’s surface?

2 Act 36 – Storing Waste We will read the article on nuclear waste Work with your lab group to follow procedures 2-3 in your lab text. With your group you will analyze evidence & complete worksheets 36.1 & 36.2. (Building of Yucca Mountain Storage Facility) Nuclear Waste – leftover radioactive material after using nuclear technology.

3 Vocab – Act 38 (pg D-14) -lava: magma that has erupted onto the earth’s surface -crust: thin, outermost layer of the earth -mantle: layer of the earth between the crust and the outer core; contains convection currents -outer core: liquid layer of the earth that surrounds the inner core -inner core: solid sphere in the earth’s center -lithosphere : first 100 km below the earth’s surface; composed of the crust and upper mantle - scale: the size of a diagram or model in proportion to the actual size of the object

4 Layers of the Earth Crust Upper mantel Lithosphere 100km
38.2 worksheet lower mantel Outer Core Inner Core

5 Landslide video v=ugxt_dq0FOg

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