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Processing an Offline Insertion-Query Sequence with Applications

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1 Processing an Offline Insertion-Query Sequence with Applications
Danny Z. Chen and Haitao Wang Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering University of Notre Dame Indiana, USA

2 Outline Problem definitions Algorithms Applications

3 Problem Definitions A sorted number set S={a1,a2,…,an} (a1≤a2≤…≤an) in an interval [L,R]; let a0=L, an+1=R Min-gap: min0<i<n+2{ai-ai-1} Max-gap: max0<i<n+2{ai-ai-1} Max-gap L R Min-gap

4 Problem Definitions (cont.)
Min-G-Ins (min-gap of insertions): Input: S, and S0={L,R}, and an offline sequence of insertion operations op1,op2,…,opn; each opj produces a set Sj from Sj-1 by inserting into Sj-1 a number from S\Sj-1 Output: the min-gapδi in Si after every insertion opi

5 Problem Definitions (cont.)
Min-G-Dels (min-gap of deletions): Input: S0=S∪{L,R}, an offline sequence of deletions Max-G-Ins (max-gap of insertions): Output: max-gap of every Sj after each insertion Max-G-Dels (max-gap of deletions)

6 Problem Definitions (cont.)
Ins-Query (insertions with queries): Input: S and X={x1,x2,…,xm} (x1≤x2≤…≤xm) (m=O(n)) in [L,R]; S0={L,R}; an offline mixed sequence of n insertions on S and m queries on X Output: For each query with query value xj, report its predecessor, pre(Si, xi), and its successor, suc(Si, xj), where Si is the set produced by all insertions preceding the query. Del-Query (deletions with queries): All insertions above are deletions; S0=S∪{L,R}.

7 Previous Work For all problems:
O(nlog n) time, by balanced binary tree O(nloglog n) time, by integer data structure (because the universal set is S)

8 A Related Problem A problem of Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman:
Input: S=Ø, and an offline sequence of insertion and extract-min operations, where each insertion inserts an integer i in [1,n] into S, and each extract-min finds the minimum value in S and remove it; each integer in [1,n] is inserted at most once. Output: The integers returned by all extract-min operations. Solution: Solvable in linear time. Different from our problem in the following sense: Our problems are not restricted to integers. The output in our problems is min-gap rather than the minimum number. There are queries in our problems. Use different algorithmic techniques.

9 Our Solutions Linear time for all problems
By geometric modeling and the application of Gabow and Tarjan’s special case linear time union-find data structure

10 Min-G-ins (min-gap of insertions)
Geometric modeling: If the j-th insertion is on ai, then create a point pi=(ai,j) in the plane For each point pi, create a line segment by connecting pi to the horizontal line y=n+1 y j x ai

11 An Example of Geometric Modeling
y (a4,6) (a5,5) (a2,4) (a6,3) (a1,2) (a3,1) x

12 An Observation For each point pi, if we shoot a horizontal ray to its left, let the x-coordinate of the segment which is hit first by the ray, called hit segment, be li. If the j-th insertion is on ai, then the predecessor of ai in Sj-1, pre(Sj-1,ai), is li

13 An Example of the Observation
y (a4,6) L (a5,5) (a2,4) R (a6,3) (a1,2) (a3,1) x

14 An Observation (cont.) For each point pi, if we shoot a ray to its right, let the x-coordinate of the hit segment be ri. If the j-th insertion is on ai, then the successor of ai in Sj-1, suc(Sj-1,ai), is ri.

15 An Example of the Observation (cont.)
y (a4,6) L (a5,5) (a2,4) R (a6,3) (a1,2) (a3,1) x

16 An Observation (cont.) The insertion of ai produces two (smaller) gaps ai-pre(Sj-1,ai) and suc(Sj-1,ai)-ai Suppose we know δi-1; then the min-gap of Sj is min{δi-1 , ai-pre(Sj-1,ai), suc(Sj-1,ai)-ai} the insertion of ai pre(Sj-1,ai) suc(Sj-1,ai)

17 An Observation (cont.) Key issue: Compute li and ri for each ai
Our approach: A simple sweeping from left to right using a stack.

18 The Algorithm Let bi be the length of the segment induced by pi, and let b0=bn+1=n+1. For each bi, 0<i<n+1, compute li=ak1 where k1=max{ t | t<i and bt>bi} and ri=ak2 where k2=min{ t | t>i and bt>bi} For each i, compute ci=min{ai-li,ri-ai} Set δ0=R-L. For j=1 to n, compute δj=min{δj-1,cg(j)}, where g(j) is the index of the number inserted in the j-th insertion

19 Ins-Query (Insertions with queries)
Geometric modeling: If the j-th operation is on ai, then create a data point pi=(ai,j) in the plane If the j-th operation is on a query value xi, then create a query point qi=(xi,j) in the plane For each data point, create a vertical segment by connecting it to the horizontal line y=m+n+1

20 An Example of Geometric Modeling
y (x2,6) (a3,5) (x1,4) (a4,3) (a1,2) (a2,1) x

21 An Observation For each query point qj,
if we shoot a horizontal ray to its left, then the x-coordinate of the hit segment is the predecessor of xi; if we shoot a horizontal ray to its right, then the x-coordinate of the hit segment is the successor of xi; It is sufficient to solve the ray shooting problem.

22 An Example of the Ray Shooting

23 A Sweeping Algorithm Sweep the plane by a horizontal line from y=m+n+1 to y=0 while maintaining all segments intersecting the sweeping line. All points are events Data point event: remove the corresponding segment Query point event: search its hit segment Key issue: A dynamic data structure is needed to maintain all the segments intersecting the sweeping line and to search the hit segment for each query point

24 A Solution Maintaining the segments intersecting the sweeping line is equivalent to maintaining a set of sub-intervals on [L,R] Gabow and Tarjan’s linear time special case union-find data structure can be applied.

25 sweeping line moving downward
Initially sweeping line moving downward y (a3,6) (a4,5) (x2,4) (a1,3) (x1,2) (a2,1) x Interval set: {[L,a1],[a1,a2] ,[a2,a3],[a3,a4],[a4,R]} x1 is in [a1,a2] and x2 is in [a3,a4]

26 A Data Point (a3,6) is Swept
y (a3,6) (a4,5) (x2,4) (a1,3) (x1,2) (a2,1) x Interval set: {[L,a1],[a1,a2] ,[a2,a4],[a4,R]} x1 is in [a1,a2] and x2 is in [a2,a4]

27 A Data Point (a4,5) is Swept
y (a3,6) (a4,5) (x2,4) (a1,3) (x1,2) (a2,1) x Interval set: {[L,a1],[a1,a2] ,[a2,R]} x1 is in [a1,a2] and x2 is in [a2,R]

28 A Data Point (x2,4) is Swept
y (a3,6) (a4,5) (x2,4) (a1,3) (x1,2) (a2,1) x Interval set: {[L,a1],[a1,a2] ,[a2,R]} x2 is in [a2,R], so its predecessor is a2 and its successor is R

29 Other Problems The problems Min-G-Del, Max-G-Ins, Max-G-Del and Del-Query can all be solved in linear time by slight modifications on the previous two algorithms.

30 Applications Horizontal ray shooting
Given a set S of n vertical line segments and a set P of n points in the plane, the segments and points are sorted in two lists by their x-coordinates and y-coordinates, respectively Shoot a horizontal ray from each point in P to its left and report the segment in S hit first by the ray Our solution: O(nlog k) time by applying our algorithm on Ins-Query problem and using interval tree data structure, where k is the minimum number of cliques of the corresponding interval graph for the input vertical segments.

31 Horizontal Ray Shooting

32 Applications (cont.) Shortest Arc Covering
Given a set P of n positions on a circle in a cyclic order, and an offline sequence of insertions each of which inserts a point at an available position (the position then becomes unavailable) Report the shortest circular arc which covers all points on the circle after each insertion. Our solution: O(n) time by reducing the problem to the Max-G-Ins problem.

33 Shortest Arc Covering

34 Thank you!

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