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9th Workshop on LFS Methodology

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1 9th Workshop on LFS Methodology
Rome May 2014 Silvia Loriga LAMAS June 2014

2 56 participants (excluding Italian participants) 29 NSIs + Eurostat
9th Workshop on LFS Methodology The workshop was held in Rome (Istat) the May 2014 Some figures: 56 participants (excluding Italian participants) 29 NSIs + Eurostat 22 papers, in 7 sessions, presented by 14 NSIs + Eurostat

3 The participants

4 The subjects

5 The focus The 9th workshop on LFS methodology was the first of the 3rd cycle of workshops, covering the years It was dedicated to survey design, sampling and estimation It represented the occasion to discuss some issues related to the ongoing renewing of the LFS, beyond the official venue of LAMAS meetings Even if the subjects were sometimes a bit “technical” the discussion didn’t miss Some participants came from the methodological units, some other from LFS units, in some cases both came

6 The agenda A-B: Embedding the LFS in an integrated modular social survey design The LFS review in the context of the Eurostat programme for modernising social surveys Anne Clemenceau Eurostat From LF Survey to a system of LF Statistics Johan van der Valk CBS Towards an integrated system of household surveys – Implications for the LFS Jörg Enderer and Thomas Körner DESTATIS Distribution of sample in surveys of Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Andris Fisenko Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Discussion Process of modernization of social statistics Possible integration of the results from different social surveys through statistical matching, need for methodological studies in the modularization framework (as for weighting for instance), concerns about the time schedule for the legal framework, modes, integration of sample units, consistency between submodules and core

7 The agenda C: Sampling design Discussion
How uniform allocation among reference weeks is ensured in the French LFS ? Sylvie Le Minez INSEE Deployment in space and time with relation to monthly processing in the Czech Republic Ondřej Nývlt, Ilona Nováková Czech Statistical Office The Italian LFS sampling design: recent and future developments Loredana Di Consiglio, Silvia Loriga, Alessandro Martini, Rita Ranaldi ISTAT LFS Sample Design, Allocation, Weighting Gökhan Kocturk TURKSTAT Discussion Pros and cons of the rotational patterns of the sample, how census information should be used for updating the sample design and how to implement these changes and the effect they can produce in the series of estimates, uniform distribution of the theoretical sample along the weeks of a quarter and the deviations that occur in practice

8 The agenda D: Multiple mode designs Discussion
Development and Implementation of a Mixed-Mode Multipurpose Survey Tool for Official Statistics Marc Plate Statistics Austria Using multiple mode designs Liisa Larja, Pertti Taskinen Statistics Finland Redesign of the Dutch LFS, from CAPI to CAWI/CAPI/CATI Martijn Souren CBS Discussion The challenges of IT implementation, the assessment of mode specific measurement effects, the cost savings that might be obtained through the introduction of multiple mode designs This session was in close connection to the ongoing ESSnet project on Data Collection for Social Surveys using Multiple Modes. The final workshop of the ESSnet project on 4-5 September 2014 in Wiesbaden will provide the opportunity discuss the topics of the session in more detail

9 The agenda E: Effective data collection designs and subsampling
Arturo de la Fuente Eurostat Comparing Subsample Approaches Ole Villund Statistics Norway Structural variables: Weighting the annual subsample Carlos Pérez-Arriero INE Collecting the household data as a sub-sample – comparing the weighting model in the Danish household survey to the weighting model of the core-LFS Jonas Kylov Gielfeldt Statistics Denmark Discussion A picture of the data collection strategies adopted by NSIs as for subsampling and rotation scheme to conclude that we’re far from harmonization, exploring statistical matching or data linking inside the LFS, the need to study methodological issues related to subsampling (weighting for instance), individuals vs households, how to use available auxiliary information in calibration

10 The agenda F: Estimation and consistency issues Discussion
Estimation in the Swedish LFS – an example of combining survey data from independent samples Martin Axelson, Frida Videll Statistics Sweden Main issues of the weighting procedure in the French LFS Fabien Guggemos et al. INSEE Consistent weighting of the Dutch LFS; Monthly, Quarterly, Annual and longitudinal data. Hendrika Lautenbach and Martijn Souren CBS The IT-LFS consistency framework Antonio Discenza, Silvia Loriga, Alessandro Martini ISTAT Discussion Differences in the weighting schemes, differences in auxiliary information used in calibration, consistency is needed? How to reach consistency, how to explain inconsistency to the users

11 The agenda G: Estimation exploiting the longitudinal dimension of the LFS Longitudinal Weights for the Production of Transitions and Flow Estimates Katrin Baumgartner, Alexander Kowarik, Angelika Meraner Statistics Austria An example of longitudinal LFS weights Katja Rutar Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Regression composite estimation for the Finnish LFS from a practical perspective Riku Salonen Statistics Finland Discussion Interesting topic, because of the new requirement into the legal basis about the overlapping of the sample, the new studies about the production of flows by Eurostat using a common method, the possible use of longitudinal information in estimation through regression composite estimator.

12 Links and contacts
Webpage dedicated to the 2014 LFS workshop in Rome Agenda Papers, presentations Silvia Loriga Antonio Rinaldo Discenza Alessandro Martini

13 See you next year in Prague (subject: data collection)!
Ondřej Nývlt

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