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Order of the Arrow.

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1 Order of the Arrow

2 Why Should Units Support the OA?
Expanded Leadership Training Expanded Leadership Opportunities Expanded High Adventure Opportunityies Increased Staff Opportunities for Camporees, Jamborees High Adventure Bases Summer Camp

3 What Can the OA Do for Your Unit?
Ceremonies Cross-over Eagle and Troop Courts of Honor Campfires Support district events

4 Integrate the OA Program
The Order of the Arrow should not be seen as a separate entity, but as an integral part of your unit. Individuals cannot maintain OA membership without an active membership in a unit. One purpose is to keep older Scouts interested so they continue their membership.

5 We need your help Cross-over ceremonies – a new idea.
Hold a few multi-pack Arrow of Light / Cross-over ceremonies For “Private” crossovers, we will be asking receiving units to provide ceremonialists for the event. We will provide scripts, costumes, some training, and support. Elections – partner Troops

6 Resources OA Handbook OA National Web Site
Training Materials High Adventure Videos Induction Guides (Password protected) Sample letters Campfire and Court of honor Samples

7 TOAR’s Troop OA Representatives Leadership Position
Only Counts if they attend meetings or take initiative to communicate between the chapter and troop Main purpose is communication between the OA Chapter and the Troop Vital for more participation from members to help bring scouts a better program from the youth

8 Ceremonies Cross Over Ceremonies are starting to be scheduled for packs Need OA members to help with Ceremonies Two multi pack ceremonies Feb 24 and March 10 Location and times TBD

9 Elections Schedule Elections through TOARs
First come first serve basis Tips for a successful election Troop prints election Ballots before election Schedule before crossovers Make sure when you schedule to give us location and time of meeting Schedule at least two weeks in advanced (preferred)

10 Contacts William Wallace (Chapter Chief) Robert Cohn (Chapter Advisor)
Robert Cohn (Chapter Advisor)

11 Questions?

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