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Welcome to Engaging with Parents (Basic)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Engaging with Parents (Basic)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Engaging with Parents (Basic)
Introductory slide. starts with slide 2 Slides 1,2,3,4 - total time 8 minutes.

2 Engaging with parents (slides 1,2,3,4 = 8 minutes)
“Welcome, the objectives of the session are to share good practice and the purpose of engaging with parents. We also look at how we as managers can actively encourage groups to set up and operate more effective ways to engage with parents. We should be encouraging this culture of engagement. We hope that at the end of the session managers will be more confident to tackle the engagement of parents and challenge their local scouting colleagues to try a range of tried and tested methods to do this.” set the scene by reminding the audience that: “Parents are traditionally the support backbone of local scouting. Some Groups communicate really well with parents and enjoy the benefits that this support encourages. Sometimes this partnership doesn’t work well because of a perceived negative response from parents and /or a lack of confidence by leaders and sometimes GSLs in how to approach parents and what you can ask them to do””

3 Engaging with parents 2010 national research on retention and recruitment shows that - 40 – 45% of new adult volunteers to section roles come from parents of youth members (or prospective youth members). 38% of parents claim never to have been asked to get involved and of those more than 17% would like to get involved (slide 1,2,3,4 = 8 minutes) “So from this research undertaken this year some interesting facts:” (research taken from 2010 Scouting Magazine FOCUS supplement) 40-45% of our parents who have a young person in Scouting volunteer 38% of parents say they have never been asked to help, out of that percentage more than 17% of parents said they would get involved. “In this regard the research also identified that parents’ rotas are a particularly effective method of getting parents initially involved in Scouting, whilst residential events such as camps, were identified as offering critical “tipping points” in converting informal, limited involvement into a more formalised, committed association.”

4 How do they feel? (Slides 1,2,3,4 = 8 minutes) total 8 minutes
Using flip chart ask the participants to engage with a thought shower. (Brain Storm) Consider what it was like when they first went into a meeting whether that was as a parent or a leader? How did they feel? What sort of reception were they given? What might any new parents be feeling when they first come into contact with “experienced” leaders? You are aiming to draw out that they may be shy, uncomfortable, unsure of their ability, what are they allowed to do, how the sections work, who is in charge or what the scouting terms (vocabulary) mean etc

5 Engaging with parents (slide 5 - 4 minutes) total 12 minutes
Introduce the example (video clip), ask them to watch the short example. Do not say if it is the good or bad example. Example 1 –Ask for a show of hands, Do you think it was a good parent engagement? Ask for 2 or 3 suggestions as to how the engagement could have been better. Once feedback received move onto next slide and show example 2 (video clip).

6 Effective Parent Engagement
(slide minutes) total 20 minutes Introduce example 2 (video clip) and watch the video. Invite feedback – So what key positive messages can we draw out from these two examples (video clips)? You are expecting ideas such as - Effective communicating, Getting the parent involved on the night. Not just to watch. Explaining the tasks and how they can get involved. Providing welcome pack and further information to get them involved. An easy and soft approach to asking them Following up the need for help , Explaining the process, simply and easy (Non Scouting speak) Had time for the discussion and the person. Was prepared to put the effort in to gain the extra support, Invited them to a social event Followed up the enquiry with a phone call and gave them a task to do! (Call other parents) Parent was engaged and offered to bring along drinks to new parent meeting

7 What do we want Parents to do?
Engaging with parents What do we want Parents to do? What are the tasks that we can ask the Parents to do? (Slide 7 – 10 minutes) total 30 minutes Trainer – you need to have 2 blank flip chart papers blue tacked to the wall labelled “What do we want Parents to do?” & “What are the tasks that we can ask the Parents to do?” Have some flip chart pens available for participants. Participants are shown the slide and invited to get up and write their thoughts on to the flip chart under the separate headings Whilst participants are circulating, the trainer is to throw in some thoughts such as- Can we ask parents to organise an evenings programme? Can we ask parents to run a game? Can we ask parents to organise a trip to the Park or Zoo etc? In Plenary, look at the flip charts and ensure all myths are dispelled Trainers need to be comfortable with CRB rules etc For example, parents do not have to be CRB checked in order to take part in a normal session at the scout HQ as long as they are going to be supervised at all times. However best practice would be to CRB all parents in order to be able to make the best use of their offers of help. Once CRB’d, a parent can take a greater involvement in the Group/section. Note parents must be CRB checked in order to take part in a residential experience and in any circumstances where the leaders cannot guarantee supervision at all times.

8 Engaging with parents What resources or methods are available and how can you use them? Welcome packs? Parents rota? Parents Skills Audit? Parents information Packs? (slide 8 – 10 minutes) totals 40 minutes Trainer – have copies available of the resources Parents Information Pack ( Where did all that mud come from – the NO nonsense guide to involving parents), Welcome Induction Pack Factsheet how to create an induction pack Split the participants into groups of approximately 5 people. Look to the slide, ask participants to discuss in groups whether these resources can be used to aid parental involvement and how would they use them. Remember to stress that the resources are there to assist them to engage not to do the work for them. Emphasise the process takes time and effort to involve people and new volunteers need time to accept the request. Trainer – you will be looking for the participants within the groups to start to compile lists of what they will do when they return to their groups, encourage note taking so the participants have something to take away and work with.

9 Engaging with parents Early engagement Welcome / Induction packs,
Try successful methods from examples Spend time with new parents Approach existing parents ! Don’t be afraid to ask. Culture change (slide 9,10,11 = 10 minutes) total 50 minutes Trainer notes – To sum up the session undertake a quick run through of these statements- “You don’t have to wait until the young person has been with you for a couple of months. Why not try and meet with them before they start? Make sure that the parent also feels part of the Group and not just the young person. It’s really important. Successful proven methods are here for sharing talk to other leaders and GSLs to share good practice. Don’t forget it is not just the new parents you need to spend time with, the other parents are just as important You have heard the old saying if you don’t ask you don’t get, well don’t be afraid to ask, you will be surprised how many people just are waiting and wanting to help. Our culture is changing, the days of parents dropping the young people off are numbered, Scouting is part of the Community and therefore parents should be willing and expect to be asked to take part”. Play video clip of parents discussing how enjoyable they find helping, It shows what benefit it gives to the Group and the importance for all parents to be part of the Group community in order to make it easier and more enjoyable for everyone.

10 Engaging with parents Play video clip of parents

11 Engaging with parents Share your successes with others.
Don’t be afraid to seek support from Development personnel Good luck! Thank you for your time today. Close session by thanking participants for their time and hard work. Direct participants to the website for more information and resources, remind them that new resources are being added all of the time. Also point participants to the development pages on the scouts website on (currently on the new BETA website)

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