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2 worlds.

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1 2 worlds

2 Description 1-Who artist ? Ulises Busquet
2-What is the title of the artwork ? 2 worlds What can you learn from the title of the artwork ? That there is two worlds even if you don’t know it. 4- What subjects in the artwork can you recognize ? Art 5-Looking at the elements of design , describe what qualities you see ? Color: blue, green, white. Shape: wolf, mountains, wind, sky. 6- What media and techniques did the artist use ? He used paper, pen, pencils, and color pencils.

3 ANALYSIS Emphasis: Is there a dominant element or focal point that you see first ? Why ? Yes, is the wolf because is big and is in the middle of the page . Balance: Is there a special balance, or “weight,” among the elements ? What mood does it create ? The drawing has a lot of clouds it make me feel relax because the sky, mountains, grass it make me think about the environment. Proportion: Do the proportions looks normal, idea or unusual ? Why ? Unusual because the drawing it doesn’t makes sense at all. Pattern: Are elements repeated to created a patterns ? Where ? why ? Yes the grass create the legs the sky with clouds create the rest of wolf’s body. Rhythm or Movement ? What visual rhythms or paths of movement do your eyes follow ? Where ? Why ? The clouds and the mountains because they together. Unity and variety: what elements bring together, or unify, many parts of the design ? Why ? What elements add variety ? Why/ unify, because of the lines and colors.

4 Interpretation Is there symbolism in the artwork ? What do you think it means ? No it doesn’t have a symbol. What feeling do you think the artist wanted to give the viewer when looking at the work ? Relaxing drawing Does the work remind you of other things you have experienced ? Yes, the grass reminds me when I was little and I used to play with my family in a sunny day. How does the work relate to other ideas or events in the world and/or in you other classes ? the drawing is relate to the world because of the sky, grass, clouds, and all the beautiful things that the world has.

5 Judgment What parts of the work make you feel it is a success or failure ? The part that made me feel that is success is the beautiful sky with the clouds and the beautiful green grass. What criteria ( think of the style of the work ) can you list to help others judge this work ? How unique is the artwork ? Why do you feel this work is or isn’t unique ? It’s unique because he draw an animal and inside the animal he draw where he lives. What are some improvements you feel the artist could have made to the work ?

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