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Special Education Updates

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1 Special Education Updates
PIMS Special Education Changes SY 1617

2 Special Education Updates
Student Template Required Fields for Special Education Students (Field 38 = Y) Field 16 – Address 1 Field 18 – City Field 19 – State Code Field 20 – Full Zip Code If student has multiple parent/guardian addresses, choose either address. For students in group homes, use group home address. For foster students, use foster parent address.

3 Special Education Updates
Special Education Template Field 71 – Location of Special Education Services ONLY valid for APS and PRRI service providers. All other entities should use the 4-digit building code. If no code exists, enter the actual name of the building.

4 Special Education Updates
Data Elements to be added to July Special Education Snapshot to be submitted to Department of Labor and Industry per House Bill 400 Questions related to transition services in the IEP Found in Section III of the IEP Five new fields – All Yes/No questions

5 Special Education Updates
Does student have a transition plan as part of their IEP? (If Yes, then all are required) Does IEP contain new services that support Paid Work Based Learning Experiences in a competitive (at least minimum wage) integrated setting? Does IEP contain services that include job supports/coaching? Does IEP contain services that include Career Development and Job Exploration? Has the Transition IEP been modified to include services that support Paid Work-Based Learning Experiences in a competitive (at least minimum wage) integrated setting?

6 Special Education Updates
What is considered a Paid Work Based Learning Experience? Work based learning experiences are pre-employment transition services used to offer students with disabilities an opportunity for career exploration. Work based learning experiences may include in-school or after school opportunities, or experiences outside the traditional school setting (including summer employment and internships), that are provided in an integrated environment in the community and are typically compensated, at minimum wage or higher.

7 Special Education Updates
What is NOT considered a Paid Work Based Learning Experience? Some instances, programs such as Project SEARCH, are considered "work based learning experiences" that are not paid, or compensated. Other examples include: Student is job shadowing at Walmart three times per week on different jobs to evaluate which job is most compatible to student’s interest and skills for future employment purposes – no pay involved Student is supervised candy striper at a hospital to obtain work experience in preparation for nursing assistant program at vo-tech. – no pay involved Student works at a local library as a volunteer during the school day four hours per week as a part of their transition plan to learn soft work skills such as completing time sheets, coming to work on time, working with peer employees of different ages. – no pay involved

8 Special Education Updates
July Collection C4 PDE must report all students ages thirteen (13) and above as of July 1 with a valid IEP any time from July 1 through June 30 of the current school year regardless of their status at the end of the current school year. This includes any of the above students that exited during the school year. What students should you include in your July C4 Collection?

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