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Important Words to End the Year

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Presentation on theme: "Important Words to End the Year"— Presentation transcript:

1 Important Words to End the Year

2 Imagine...

3 God gave us His “order” for the church
Why so many “churches” are doing things in a different order? What will work? What will get more people to attend?

4 Paul wasn’t about Paul He wanted their faith to rest in God I Corinthians 2:1-5 The right question is “What will please God the most?”

5 Devoted to His order The first church was built on the things that pleased God the most Acts 2:42-47 They “devoted (continued steadfastly) themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42)

6 We should be asking why Christians are willing to only giving a small amount of time to the most important thing

7 Devoted to the order of teaching
Hebrews 4:12 Do we believe it? The emphasis needs to be the message not the messenger Their devotion to the teaching of the Word led to great growth

8 Devoted to the order of the breaking of bread
They were devoted to the weekly remembrance of the death of Christ God designed communion to be an act of remembrance of Jis flesh and blood We remember and taste We consider the love that was shown and showing the same love

9 Devoted to the order of prayers
The early church was devoted to praying Acts 4:31 Can we accomplish the church’s mission without daily prayers?

10 We need to make sure it’s God on display by doing what He ordered

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