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Davis-Townsend Elementary

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1 Davis-Townsend Elementary
Digging Deeper to Improve Staff, Student & Parent Growth Celebrations: Exceeded expected growth! Moved from a C to a B! Overall EVASS data was +3.49

2 Goal 1: Davis-Townsend will increase our overall reading growth from 2
Goal 1: Davis-Townsend will increase our overall reading growth from 2.4 to 4.4 on the 2017 reading EOG. long range planning/PLCs to unwrap standards and create common formative assessments goal setting using benchmarks reading specialist will serve the most needy lead will assist with core planning and implementation lead supporting fourth grade transition class daytime tutoring for those not on grade level school-wide reading incentive program PD focused on differentiated, skill based groups departmentalize fifth grade LetterLand extended from K to 1st 2016 EVAAS Data +2.4 PD will include The Reading Strategies Book book study and lesson studies It will also include training with NCDPI trainer Rebecca Belcastro to learn how use progress monitoring data to create small groups and interventions We had our highest EVAAS growth in 4th grade, +5.9 (blue), third grade was +3.4 (blue), and fifth grade was -2.1 (green)

3 Goal 2: Davis-Townsend will increase our science proficiency from 83% to 85% proficient on the 2017 Science EOG. quarterly long range planning continue to focus on strengthening vocabulary Quizlet interactive vocab board all on-year teachers will receive an observation in science log quarterly hands-on experiments log a minimum of two science guest speakers a year goal setting based on fifth grade science benchmarks monitoring the rigor of teacher created science tests as compared to district benchmarks fifth grade departmentalization 2016 EVAAS Data -0.7 Science guest speakers have included meteorologists to review weather, Duke energy to address energy sources, the National Theatre for Children, a K-9 handler from the police department to instruct on animal needs, Mad Scientist to review force and motion/ecosystems/and weather, and doctors from Wake Forest to focus on genetics. Our experiments have ranged from plants, sound, changes in matter, weather, force and motion, rocks and minerals, life cycles of plants and animals, transfer of energy, Newton’s laws, symbiosis, and body systems. Even though our EVAAS growth was -0.7, it was still green. That is also a vast improvement over our red 3 year average of -2.4!

4 Goal 3: Davis-Townsend 3-5 math EOG scores will increase from an average of 74.5% proficient on the 2016 EOG to an average of 80% proficient on the 2017 math EOG. Continue unwrapping math standards and common formative assessments during PLCs continue Title I math specialist strategies begin math universal screenings and analyze to inform instruction/small groups use of digital media to reteach/reinforce math instruction use of a math specialist to assist with core planning and implementation consult with high performing schools in math to collect effective strategies math vocabulary word cards use of packets/testlets throughout the year analyze with students: What did you miss? Why did you miss it? 2016 EVAAS Data +2.5 universal screenings: one is staff created (third grade), the others 2-5 are through Classworks Word cards to ensure consistent use of the same language Fourth grade had exceptional math growth of (blue) carrying our fifth grade -5.0 (red).

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