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Create a short film that conveys atmosphere through sound and silences.

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2 Create a short film that conveys atmosphere through sound and silences.

3 Tony’s theme MUST be used
Atmosphere MUST be conveyed through the use of the song. There MUST be an area of silence with effective use.

4 Joel is walking through an alleyway by himself.
He finds himself walking over to two boys, Barney and Joe. Barney and Joe decide to attack Joel, presumably to mug him. They think it will be easy because he is smaller. Joel easily deflects their attacks. Blackout. What happened next? You will never know.


6 Our establishing shot. A wide shot of the alley way, with the silhouettes of Barney and Joe leaning against the wall. The two characters that you can’t properly see make the scene intimidating.

7 Extreme close up of Joel’s feet
Extreme close up of Joel’s feet. The audience know he’s walking towards ‘danger.’ But now they do not know how close he is. This creates anticipation.

8 Extreme close up of Joe’s fist clenched
Extreme close up of Joe’s fist clenched. It shows that he is angry and getting ready to fight. Draws the audiences' mind back to what is going to happen; a fight.

9 We then had an extreme close up of Barney’s eyes looking intimidating
We then had an extreme close up of Barney’s eyes looking intimidating. Again, this shows the audience that everything isn’t all fun and games and that something bad is going to happen.

10 An over the shoulder shot of Joel, Joe and Barney was used here
An over the shoulder shot of Joel, Joe and Barney was used here. Again we used silhouettes to convey a better sense of atmosphere. The audience cannot see the two ‘attacker’s’ faces.

11 We used a staggered effect on some of the shots to prolong the time it took the audience to find out what was going on. We thought this created more suspence. We used quick cuts to have certain shots flashing up quite quickly. This kept the audience on their toes. We cut the clip short so the audience do not know how it ends. This leaves the audience wondering what happened.

12 The song ‘Tony’s theme’ was used throughout the majority of our piece
The song ‘Tony’s theme’ was used throughout the majority of our piece. This created a build up to the ending. We didn’t use speech as we thought this would distract the audience from the action that was going on. There was no need for the people to be speaking and we thought it conveyed a more moody atmosphere when it was all about their body language and facial expressions. The music fades into silence as the first punch is thrown. We thought this would be effective as it is as if the theme tune had been building up the tension, and then as soon as the action happens it cuts out, leaving the audience to solely focus on the actions and to shock them.

13 We wanted to use Tony’s theme and for it to have the same effects
We wanted to use Tony’s theme and for it to have the same effects. This is why, in ours, there is no speaking. Unlike in Scarface, where the song would most likely be quite quiet during parts when the actors are speaking, we decided to just have the song playing all the way through. We thought this gave our piece a ‘moody’ atmosphere. With no words, the audience would have to focus on the body language, the facial expressions, and also what they thought the music was telling them about the scene. The film Scarface originally used Tony’s Theme throughout the film to convey a sense of build up and anticipation to main action which happens at the end. It also uses silences well to exaggerate the action that was going on. We found this also kept the audiences focus on the action. The music built up the tension and anticipation within the audience until it cut out before the first punch was thrown. We felt this added more impact into what was being shown, as the audience had been listening to the music all the way through the video. It would then shock them for it to suddenly cut out, and having this in time with when the main action starts will hopefully draw their attention into what is happening.

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