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Tuesday, January 31, :00-12:00 noon 129 Hayes/Healy

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1 Numerically Modeling Waves and Currents in the Surf Zone with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Tuesday, January 31, :00-12:00 noon 129 Hayes/Healy Breaking waves in the surf zone are responsible for changes in mean water levels and the nearshore circulation system (rip and longshore currents).  This talk begins with the use and evolution of the application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), a Lagrangian particle method, to examine waves in the surf zone.  Our implementation of SPH involves computation on graphics processing units.  The bulk of the talk deals with applications of the model to the nearshore zone, examining wave transformation in shallow water, rip currents, coherent turbulent structures under breaking waves, edge waves, tsunami impact on bridges, and finally intersecting waves and vorticity generation in the surf zone.   Professor Tony Dalrymple, NAE Willard & Lillian Hackerman Professor of Civil Engineering Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD

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