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gp g K+L Cross section measurement

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Presentation on theme: "gp g K+L Cross section measurement"— Presentation transcript:

1 gp g K+L Cross section measurement
-0.55 < qK+ < -0.45 Example Cross section for cos(qK+) = -0.5 Black = our data Red = SAPHIR data (2004) Blue = JLab data (2006) T C Jude, The University of Edinburgh, Strangeness Photoproduction A2 Analysis meeting, Mainz, September 2008

2 Adopt JLab convention:
~ 0.6 Target pressure ~ kgm-3 Corresponds to E(28) protons m-3 Target length = m Target density per unit area, r = E(27) protons m-2 So W = 0.1 Adopt JLab convention: T C Jude, The University of Edinburgh, Strangeness Photoproduction A2 Analysis meeting, Mainz, September 2008

3 = T C Jude, The University of Edinburgh, Strangeness Photoproduction A2 Analysis meeting, Mainz, September 2008

4 = = 5 million simulated events: gp g K+ L K+ Out K+ In
T C Jude, The University of Edinburgh, Strangeness Photoproduction A2 Analysis meeting, Mainz, September 2008

5 T C Jude, The University of Edinburgh, Strangeness Photoproduction A2 Analysis meeting, Mainz, September 2008

6 Total energy deposited in the Crystal Ball:
Large energy sum on the trigger: (July 07 data) Reduced data? Simulation Expt K+ detection (simulation) 330 MeV energy sum in CB 100 MeV energy sum in CB Cut imposed on data for efficiency measurements q (lab frame) [deg] T C Jude, The University of Edinburgh, Strangeness Photoproduction A2 Analysis meeting, Mainz, September 2008

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