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Civics Canadian Government Canadian Government - Senate

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Presentation on theme: "Civics Canadian Government Canadian Government - Senate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Civics Canadian Government Canadian Government - Senate
Behind the Scenes at Parliament Hill 1. The Queen 2. The Senate 3. The House of Commons The Senate - The Red Chamber or the Royal Chamber - Senators are appointed by the Governor-General on the Advice of the Prime Minister - They are unelected and have their position until they are 75. - Senators are a “Sober Second Thought” - Only the Federal Government has a Senate – not the Provinces

2 Civics Canadian Government Canadian Government - Senate
Overview of The Senate - Introduces, Debates and Reviews Proposed Laws/Bills (Sober Second Thought) (Wise and Experienced) - Report on Important National Issues - Act of the Needs of Minority Groups Senate Reform - Many people are critical of the Senate as Undemocratic - Current Government is attempting to make changes the to the way Senate appointments are made. Example

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