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A Draft Funding Model for the SKA

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1 A Draft Funding Model for the SKA
A Scenario Based on US SKA RFI May 2009

2 What is a Funding Model? A coordinated, coherent and equitable plan for the allocation and optimisation of funds to construction, operation and ultimately decommissioning of the SKA

3 Scope An option based on the US SKA RFI*
Integrates US SKA RFI and Astronet Infrastructure Roadmap Phase 3 and decommissioning not in scope Assumes 2014 site infrastructure construction start * US SKA RFI submitted to the US Decadal Review Board in April 2009

4 Funding Proposal Construction Phase
Capital Cost €1670 M (Phase 1+Phase 2) Phase 2 - 1/3 Split among Europe, Rest of World and USA Phase 1 – Europe assumes 60% costs Phase 1 – Host assumes 20% costs Post PrepSKA Phase added Phase 1 Construction starts 2015 Contingency costs included [Insert link on wiki to view spreadsheet]

5 Timelines interposed Proposed SKA Timeline Feb 2009
Phase 1 funding request Phase 2 funding request External Engineering Review of design SSEC Site Rec SKA-mid+low Complete Phase 1 complete Prod. Readiness Review Pathfinder implementation Pathfinder operations Early Science SKA mid+low SKA Ops 06 | 08 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 | 22 | 24 | Concept Design System Design Detailed Design, Prod. Eng. &Tool’g Full SKA mid + low construction and commissioning Phase 1 Construction EC-FP7: PrepSKA System design Funding Governance Site Characterisation Mobilisation Infra Plan’g Concept design & for SKA-high System design SKA-hi SKA-high Construct US TDP SKADS Proposed SKA Timeline Feb 2009 06 | 08 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 | 22 | 24 PrepSKA Post PrepSKA €5 M Phase 1 Phase 2 SKA-high Construct Detailed Design €60 M Costed Design Timeline as described in the US SKA RFI Apr 2009

6 Construction Civil Works €170 M Main building Small buildings
Land acquisition Grading Water Roads Power supply and back-up Security Antennae foundations Power reticulation Antennae and RF Systems Antenna unit cost ~ €160 K Receivers unit cost ~ €40 K Signal Transmission €90 M Trenching Leasing dark fibre lines Monitor and control Clockwork distribution network Signal Processing €100 M Correlator Phase 1 Correlator Phase 2

7 Construction Software Development €100 M Observation preparation
Telescope operations Monitor and control Data handling, storage distribution Calibration and imaging Special data processing Customisable from existing applications Off-the-shelf applications Draws on existing code Requires 1000 Person years or people Computing Hardware €150 M Off the shelf ~ €30 M Exaflop scale computer ~ €100 M Data storage and distribution ~ €20 M Data Integration + Testing €70 M 100 people 7 years Project Management + Contingency project management 10% of direct costs Contingency 20% of direct costs

8 Operations US SKA RFI €150 M/yr: Astronet €10 M/yr for Phase 1
Power €50 M/yr Personnel €50 M/yr Materials & Services* €20 M/yr IFCI IWCI €30 M/yr * Includes leasing dark fibre lines Astronet €10 M/yr for Phase 1 €100 M/yr for Phase 2

9 Not Known Treatment of Pathfinders Phase 3 costs
Time Value of money, currency fluctuations in exchange rates, etc. Power costs

10 Issues Treatment of in kind contributions pre-construction
Selected site capex and opex impact Impact of different governance models Feasibility of capped costs approach

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