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Plant Reproduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Reproduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Reproduction

2 Asexual Reproduction A type of reproduction that only involves one parent Offspring are genetically identical to the parent because the parent is making exact copies of itself Does not involve the fusion of sex cells (gametes)

3 Sexual Reproduction Involves the union of reproductive cells (gametes) from two different parents, called fertilization and results in the formation of a zygote The union of the two gametes is called fertilization Offspring are genetically unique from either parent

4 Asexual Reproduction:
Pros Cons Increased growth rate Doesn’t require a mate Localized use of space around parent plant Quicker process, less energy required Less genetic variability Less long distance dispersal Vulnerable to disturbance Slows evolution

5 Vegetative Reproduction
Results in new plant individuals without the production of seed or spores Runners (stolons): Horizontal stems that run above ground and create a new plant at regular intervals Rhizomes: Similar to runners but they are found below the surface of the ground Tubers or Bulbs: the energy stores of an old plant can be used to grow new individuals


7 Artificial Methods of Asexual Reproduction
Grafting: Plant has stem, leaf, or root cut off and grafted onto an existing plant to create a new individual Cutting: Placing a cutting of a plant in water which will eventually develop into a new plant Layering: a stem attached to the plant is bent and covered with soil. Eventually, roots will develop and extend from the stem into the soil. Micro-propagation: Propagating a large number of plants from a single plant in a short time under laboratory conditions.


9 Sexual reproduction: Pros Cons
Genetic recombination means variation from plant to plant Allows for evolution Offspring are mobile (wind and animal dispersal) Recombination can disrupt successful adaptations Huge amount of energy required to make flowering structures Requires more time Reliance on Pollination

10 Non-Flowering Plants (Conifers)

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