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Efficient Coding and Indexing

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1 Efficient Coding and Indexing
Dan Foreman BravePoint Inc. BravePoint 2008

2 Introduction Ik kan niet spreken Nederlands maar Ik sprek goed Japans
BravePoint 2008

3 Introduction- Dan Foreman
Progress user since 1984 Guest Speaker at Progress Users Conference from and Guest Speaker in Netherlands: 1993, , BravePoint 2008

4 Introduction- Dan Foreman
Author of: Progress Performance Tuning Guide Progress Database Admin Guide Progress Virtual System Tables V10 Database Administration Jumpstart Online access for each Publication ProMonitor - Performance Monitoring Tool Pro D&L - Dump & Load with ultra-low down time Progress Database Admin Resource Kit Balanced Benchmark – benchmarking tool BravePoint 2008

5 Who Are You? Progress V6, V7, V8, V9, V10
Production Database OS?: Unix, Linux, Windows Largest Single Database Largest Concurrent User Count BravePoint 2008

6 Progress Access Methods
Indexes Prefix B+ Tree Does anyone know what that is? Self Balancing BravePoint 2008

7 Progress Access Methods
Recid/Rowid Direct access to a block  record; no need to read an Index block Very Fast (fewest I/Os) But how often do you (or the application) know the Recid of a record? BravePoint 2008

8 Record I/O Reading one record may require reading several Database Blocks (Called “DB Requests” in promon) 1. Root Block of the B-Tree for that Index 2. One I/O for each B-Tree Level 3. If multi-index Query repeat #1 and #2 4. One I/O for each Record Fragment BravePoint 2008

9 Indexing The Current Record for most indexes on a table (that I have ever seen) 59 !!! Cost of Indexing Disk space, larger database size Increased index rebuild time during D&L Increased time to complete create, delete, and some updates Higher Potential for Unused Indexes BravePoint 2008

10 Indexing Rules Single Index Rules Multi-Index Rules
Beyond the Scope of this Presentation Learn them! Progress Database Design Guide My Progress Performance Tuning Guide BravePoint 2008

11 Indexing Quiz - The Easy Ones
for each cus where can-do(cus-typ,”a,b,c”) for each cus where lookup(cus-typ,”a,b,c”) > 0 cus-typ is indexed for each order where not back-ordered back-ordered is indexed for each xxx /* Index on [f1 + f2] */ where f1 GE v1a and f1 LE v1b and f2 GE v2a and f2 LE v2b BravePoint 2008

12 Indexing Quiz How do you know for sure which index is being used?
We can FORCE Progress with USE-INDEX but is that a good thing? BravePoint 2008

13 USE-INDEX 100,000 Records Index on order# Index on cust# Query:
FOR EACH order WHERE order.order# GE v-start# AND order.order# LE v-end# BY order.cust# BravePoint 2008

14 USE-INDEX Query #1 Identifies a Bracket of 10,000 Orders
order# Index: 18 seconds cust# Index: 62 seconds (3.4X slower) No Surprise Query #2 Identifies a Bracket of 90,000 Orders order# Index: 191 seconds cust# Index: 110 seconds (42% faster) Big Surprise? BravePoint 2008

15 Dangers of USE-INDEX Progress can utilize multiple indexes in certain situations but USE-INDEX forces the use of one index even though the WHERE clause might reference fields from two or more indexes If a new index is added to a table that is a better match than the one referenced with USE-INDEX, the potential benefits of the new index are not realized “Fat fingers” when typing the index name could force Progress to use the wrong index BravePoint 2008

16 Indexing Quiz COMPILE code.p XREF code.xrf x.p x.p 1 COMPILE x.p ...
x.p x.p 1 SEARCH sports.x f1f2f3asc WHOLE-INDEX x.p x.p 1 SORT-ACCESS sports.x f1 x.p x.p 1 SORT-ACCESS sports.x f2 x.p x.p 1 SORT-ACCESS sports.x f3 x.p x.p 4 SEARCH sports.x f1f2f3asc WHOLE-INDEX BravePoint 2008

17 COMPILE XREF Useless for Dynamic Queries BravePoint 2008

18 Indexing Quiz Now we know what index or indexes were chosen by the compiler Are we sure that those are the same Indexes used at run-time? How good were our brackets? BravePoint 2008

19 Indexing Quiz -zqil (Zecret Query Info Log) Client Startup Option
Writes compile and execution information for a query to the database .lg file each time the query is executed BravePoint 2008

20 Indexing Quiz -zqil output
FOR EACH customer WHERE name EQ "John" AND Comments CONTAINS "hello": ==Compiled Query Resolution Method: Query No. 1== (6135) 11:02:43 AND (6137) 11:02:43 INDEX (6157) 11:02:43 INDEX EQUALITY (6154) 11:02:43 ==Server Query execution Method Query No. 1== (6136) 11:02:43 QUERY-BY-WORD (6164) 11:02: INDEX 13 CONTAINS HELLO (6148) 11:02:43 INDEX 15 (6141) BravePoint 2008

21 Indexing Quiz Index A for each table How far does the bracket extend?
F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 for each table where f1 EQ v1 and ( f2 EQ v2a OR f2 EQ v2b ) and f3 EQ v3 How far does the bracket extend? Can you prove how far the bracket extends? BravePoint 2008

22 Indexing Quiz Can we get better Bracketing? for each x where f1 EQ v1
and ( f2 EQ v2a OR f2 EQ v2b ) and f3 EQ v3 -zqil shows: Compiled Query Resolution Method: Query No.1 (6135) INDEX EQUALITY (6157) Can we get better Bracketing? BravePoint 2008

23 Indexing Quiz for each x where
(f1 EQ v1 and f2 EQ v2a and f3 EQ v3 ) OR (f1 EQ v1 and f2 EQ v2b and f3 EQ v3 ): -zqil shows: ==Compiled Query Resolution Method: Query No. 1== (6135) 14:07:17 OR (6138) 14:07:17 INDEX EQUALITY (6154) 14:07:17 ==Server Query execution Method Query No. 1== (6136) 14:07:17 DUPLICATE-REMOVE (6163) 14:07:17 OR (6138) 14:07: INDEX 36 (6141) BravePoint 2008

24 Indexing Quiz EACH customer WHERE sales-rep = “bbb”
AND comments CONTAINS “Prog*” COMPILE/XREF shows 2 indexes x.p x.p 1 SEARCH Customer Comments x.p x.p 1 SEARCH Customer Sales-Rep BravePoint 2008

25 Indexing Quiz -zqil shows only one index is actually used at run time; Why? ==Compiled Query Resolution Method: Query No. 1= (6135) 17:32:44 AND (6137) 17:32:44 INDEX (6157) 17:32:44 INDEX EQUALITY (6154) ==Server Query execution Method Query No. 1== (6136) 17:32:45 DUPLICATE-REMOVE (6163) 17:32:45 QUERY-BY-WORD (6164) 17:32: INDEX 13 CONTAINS Prog* (6148) Full info on -zqil in Progress Performance Tuning Guide BravePoint 2008

26 Client Log Manager Added in V9.1D SP01
Not just for maintaining AS/WS logs Startup Parameter Method/Attribute Description -clientlog LOGFILE-NAME Name of log -logentrytypes LOG-ENTRY-TYPES Type of log -logginglevel LOGGING-LEVEL How verbose -numlogfiles NUM-LOG-FILES # of logs to keep -logthreshold LOG-THRESHOLD Size threshold BravePoint 2009

27 Client Log Manager Output
<run: for each customer where creditlimit GT 10000> QRYINFO Query Plan: C:\PROTMP\v10\101c\p92032_Untitled1.ped line 1 QRYINFO QueryId: 0x13d67f4 QRYINFO Type: FOR Statement QRYINFO Client Sort: N QRYINFO Scrolling: N QRYINFO Table: s2k.Customer QRYINFO Indexes: CustNum QRYINFO Query Statistics: C:\PROTMP\v10\101c\p92032_Untitled1.ped line 1 QRYINFO DB Blocks accessed: QRYINFO s2k : 2246 QRYINFO DB Reads: QRYINFO Table: s2k.Customer : 1117 QRYINFO Index: Customer.CustNum : 1118 QRYINFO s2k.Customer Table: QRYINFO 4GL Records: 909 QRYINFO Records from server: 909 QRYINFO Useful: 909 QRYINFO Failed: 0 QRYINFO Select By Client: N BravePoint 2009

28 Indexing Quiz for each table Index on f1
where f1 = v1 or f1 = v2 or f1 = v3 Index on f1 Can this code be made more flexible? Remember that for each x where lookup(f1,”a,b,c”) > 0 can’t Bracket on an Index BravePoint 2008

29 Indexing Quiz vstr = v1 + ‘|’ + v2 + ‘|’ + v3.
for each x where f1 contains vstr Flexible (can have one or more values) Very Fast Word Indexing Cost is Zero (for this code) The size of the vstr variable can’t exceed 180 bytes until V10.1B Is there another way? BravePoint 2008

30 Indexing Quiz Temp Table Join
/* a browser let’s the user select values and store in temp table*/ for each tmp, each cust where cust.f1 = tmp.f1 Alternatively use a Master File instead of a Temp-Table BravePoint 2008

31 Indexing Quiz Which is better (faster)?
Multiple Small (i.e. Single Field) Indexes Few Larger Multi-Field Indexes Answer: There is no one correct answer BravePoint 2008

32 Indexing Quiz What is the fastest way to find unused Indexes?
Indexes defined but never used in the code; beware of Dynamic Queries Indexes that are defined and used in the code but never accessed because: The code is never executed The query is never executed because of IF logic BravePoint 2008

33 Indexing Quiz _IndexStat Virtual System Table
Database Startup options are required to make data in this VST table ‘visible’ V8: -indexbase, -indexlimit V9/V10: -baseindex, -indexrangesize BravePoint 2008

34 Efficient Coding BravePoint 2008

35 Transactions FOR EACH trx EXCLUSIVE : DELETE trx. END.
Simple and easy to code But very slow One Transaction start & stop per Record BravePoint 2008

36 Transactions REPEAT TRANSACTION :
FOR EACH trx EXCLUSIVE cnt = 1 to 500 : DELETE trx. END. IF NOT CAN-FIND ( FIRST trx ) THEN LEAVE. One Transaction start & stop per 500 Records Larger counter = bigger BI & more record locks Of course you can add a WHERE phrase BravePoint 2008

37 Transactions Apply the same method to loading records main-blk:
REPEAT TRANSACTION : REPEAT cnt = 1 TO 500 ON ENDKEY UNDO, LEAVE main-blk: CREATE trx. IMPORT trx. END. BravePoint 2008

38 Optional EACH FOR EACH orderline, item OF orderline :
Assumes an item Record MUST Exist for each line; error if not matching record 25% Faster than: EACH item OF orderline Helps document the one-to-one relationship OPEN QUERY requires a EACH, FIRST, or LAST Use “FIRST item” for a 12-14% gain BravePoint 2008

Unfortunately if the DEFINE TEMP-TABLE uses NO-UNDO, the EMPTY TEMP-TABLE Statement cannot be used inside of a TRANSACTION BravePoint 2008

40 TEMP-TABLEs Starting in V9 TEMP-TABLE performance decreased (12-20% in benchmarks) Reason: the DBI file Block size was changed to 8k and the Records per Block to 128 The change was reversed in V9.1C05 There are many other version dependent changes to TEMP-TABLE performance BravePoint 2008

41 WORKFILE &WORK-TABLE 100% Memory Resident
No Indexes; FIND FIRST followed by FIND LAST requires a record by record scan If the record size is increased enough a new ‘record’ needs to be added pushing all the subsequent records down Did you know that you can potentially crash a SYSTEM with 3 lines of code; do you know what those statements are? BravePoint 2008

42 Record Copying For copying data between records from Fastest to Slowest RAW-TRANSFER (5.2X Faster than BUFFER-COPY but has some restrictions like unique key collisions when used in the same table) BUFFER-COPY (34% Faster than ASSIGN) ASSIGN the individual fields (slowest) BravePoint 2008

43 Other Coding Techniques
CAN-DO/LOOKUP/INDEX versus ORs But don’t use in a WHERE Clause with an indexed field Prior to V10 there were big differences; now there are none Array Initialization: array-name = “” 3.5X slower for a 12 element CHAR Array 383X slower for a 365 element INT Array BravePoint 2008

44 Other Coding Techniques
ASSIGN for Multiple Assignments a = b. c = d. ASSIGN a = b BravePoint 2008

45 Other Coding Techniques

46 Startup Options Quick Request (-q)
Especially if the code resides on a different computer Not for developers Not so useful with Procedure Libraries BravePoint 2008

47 Startup Options Progress Packet Size (-Mm)
For Remote Client (-H, -S) Connections Will make NO-LOCK Reads much faster Will make EXCLUSIVE-LOCK and SHARE-LOCK Reads a little slower Must be used on the Client and the Database which means ALL DBs that are commonly connected to Ignored on SQL 92 Connections BravePoint 2008

48 Good Ways to Find Slow Code
Use -yx to find slow programs in a session Use this to locate which program is slow Use the Undocumented Application Profiler Use this option to find what statements are slow -zprofile in V8 -profile in V9/V10 Old: $DLC/src/samples/profiler/readme.doc New: Download from Progress web site BravePoint 2008

49 Conclusion Vragen? BravePoint 2008

50 If you need further assistance:
Dan Foreman Dank U wel! BravePoint 2008

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