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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Jeopardy!

2 Chrom Segment Disorders RandomChrom Disorders
Whole Chrom Abnorm Chrom Segment Disorders RandomChrom Disorders Chromosome Structure Karyotypes Potpourri Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 $100 What are the proteins that assist in packaging the DNA into a chromosome?

4 $100 histones Board

5 Where are the two sister chromatids attached to each other?
$200 Where are the two sister chromatids attached to each other?

6 $200 At the centromere Board

7 What type of cells contain 2n or 46 chromosomes?
$300 What type of cells contain 2n or 46 chromosomes?

8 $300 somatic or body cells Board

9 What do haploid cells contain?
$400 What do haploid cells contain?

10 $400 23 chromosomes or n Board

11 $500 What is it called when one chromosome has the same genes as another chromosome?

12 homologous chromosomes
$500 homologous chromosomes Board

13 $100 What is the total number of chromosomes present on an average human karyotype?

14 $100 46 Board

15 What is a reason a person would get a karyotype?
$200 What is a reason a person would get a karyotype?

16 to check for abnormalities
$200 to check for abnormalities Board

17 What are the last two chromosomes (#23) called?
$300 What are the last two chromosomes (#23) called?

18 $300 sex chromosomes Board

19 Daily Double

20 What does an exact same banding pattern on chromosomes mean?
$400 What does an exact same banding pattern on chromosomes mean?

21 Homologous chromosomes
$400 Homologous chromosomes or same genes Board

22 Name three ways in which chromosomes are sorted in a karyotype.
$500 Name three ways in which chromosomes are sorted in a karyotype.

23 location of centromere
$500 size banding pattern location of centromere Board

24 $100 What is trisomy 21?

25 $100 Down’s Syndrome Board

26 What is the disorder if the individual is missing one X?
$200 What is the disorder if the individual is missing one X?

27 $200 Turner Syndrome Board

28 $300 What is trisomy 18?

29 $300 Edwards Syndrome Board

30 $400 What is XXY called?

31 Kleinfelter’s Syndrome
$400 Kleinfelter’s Syndrome Board

32 $500 What is Patau Syndrome?

33 $500 Trisomy 13 Board

34 $100 What is it called when a segment of a chromosome gene is missing completely?

35 $100 deletion Board

36 What if the chromosome genes read
$200 What if the chromosome genes read A B C D C D E F?

37 duplication or insertion
$200 duplication or insertion Board

38 $300 What is it called when a chromosome part gets broken off and reattached upside down?

39 $300 inversion Board

40 What if chromosome 2 has genes on it from chromosome 4?
$400 What if chromosome 2 has genes on it from chromosome 4?

41 $400 translocation Board

42 Which phase(s) of meiosis would account for translocation?
$500 Which phase(s) of meiosis would account for translocation?

43 crossing over in prophase I
$500 crossing over in prophase I Board

44 What disorder do short statured females have who are XO?
$100 What disorder do short statured females have who are XO?

45 $100 Turner Syndrome Board

46 What disorder to boys have who have an extra Y?
$200 What disorder to boys have who have an extra Y?

47 $200 Jacob’s Syndrome Board

48 $300 What disorder do intellectually disabled males or females have who are more likely to be born as a mother’s age increases?

49 $300 Downs Syndrome Board

50 $400 What disorder do females with no physical defects have but who tend to be very tall?

51 XXX or Metafemale Syndrome
$400 XXX or Metafemale Syndrome Board

52 $500 Which trisomy has a 50% chance of survival, but with severe mental and physical defects?

53 $500 Edwards Syndrome Board

54 $100 What’s a female gamete?

55 $100 an egg Board

56 What’s cell division to make gametes called?
$200 What’s cell division to make gametes called?

57 $200 meiosis Board

58 How many chromosomes are there after interphase occurs?
$300 How many chromosomes are there after interphase occurs?

59 $300 92 (4n) Board

60 What if the chromosome genes read
$400 What if the chromosome genes read A B C F E D G?

61 $400 inversion Board

62 Which are the longest chromosomes in a karyotype?
$500 Which are the longest chromosomes in a karyotype?

63 $500 #1 - 3 Board

64 Meiosis I Meiosis II Chromo #s Male or Female? Mitosis Potpourri Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

65 Where does crossing over take place?
$200 Where does crossing over take place?

66 $200 prophase I Board

67 What stage’s final product is two cells with 2n?
$400 What stage’s final product is two cells with 2n?

68 $400 telophase I Board

69 $600 What stage do homologous chromosomes (tetrads) migrate to equator of cell?

70 $600 metaphase I Board

71 In which phase does the nuclear envelope start to disappear?
$800 In which phase does the nuclear envelope start to disappear?

72 $800 prophase I Board

73 $1000 In which stage can the improper pulling apart of chromosomes result in chromosomal abnormalities?

74 $1000 anaphase I Board

75 $200 In which stage is the final result 4 gametes?

76 $200 telophase II Board

77 Daily Double

78 In which stage do chromatids move to opposite poles?
$400 In which stage do chromatids move to opposite poles?

79 $400 anaphase II Board

80 In which phase do spindle fibers form in both cells?
$600 In which phase do spindle fibers form in both cells?

81 $600 prophase II Board

82 In which phase do chromosomes line up in the middle?
$800 In which phase do chromosomes line up in the middle?

83 $800 metaphase II Board

84 Technically, cytokinesis takes place AFTER which stage?
$1000 Technically, cytokinesis takes place AFTER which stage?

85 $1000 telophase II Board

86 How many chromosomes in a human sperm cell?
$200 How many chromosomes in a human sperm cell?

87 $200 23 Board

88 $400 If a chimpanzee has 48 chromosomes in his skin cell, how many sets of chromosomes does he have?

89 $400 2 Board

90 In green peas, n is 7. Each cell has how many chromosomes?
$600 In green peas, n is 7. Each cell has how many chromosomes?

91 $600 14 Board

92 92 chromosomes in humans is how many n?
$800 92 chromosomes in humans is how many n?

93 $800 4n Board

94 How many chromosomes are in a human diploid cell?
$1000 How many chromosomes are in a human diploid cell?

95 $1000 46 Board

96 What types of cells undergo mitosis?
$200 What types of cells undergo mitosis?

97 $200 somatic or body cells Board

98 How many chromosomes are in each human cell at end of mitosis?
$400 How many chromosomes are in each human cell at end of mitosis?

99 $400 46 Board

100 When 3 cells undergo mitosis, how many cells result?
$600 When 3 cells undergo mitosis, how many cells result?

101 $600 6 Board

102 $800 What’s the difference between a parent cell and a daughter cell in mitosis?

103 $800 nothing Board

104 What are the two reasons why mitosis must take place?
$1000 What are the two reasons why mitosis must take place?

105 $1000 repair of cells growth of new cells Board

106 $200 XX.

107 $200 female Board

108 $400 Abnormality with XYY.

109 $400 male Board

110 $600 Turner Syndrome.

111 $600 female Board

112 Male sperm with X fertilizes an egg.
$800 Male sperm with X fertilizes an egg.

113 $800 female Board

114 $1000 What are the chances that a human baby will be female considering mother is XX?

115 $1000 50% Board

116 How many n are at end of telophase II?
$200 How many n are at end of telophase II?

117 $200 1 Board

118 What happens before meiosis?
$400 What happens before meiosis?

119 $400 interphase Board

120 What’s the type of any cell containing two sets of chromosomes?
$600 What’s the type of any cell containing two sets of chromosomes?

121 $600 diploid Board

122 $800 What are the two scenarios in meiosis that result in genetic diversity?

123 law of independent assortment
$800 crossing over law of independent assortment Board

124 What’s the number of n at beginning of metaphase I?
$1000 What’s the number of n at beginning of metaphase I?

125 $1000 4 Board

126 Final Jeopardy Question
Meiosis Final Jeopardy Question

127 Compare and contrast the methods of crossing over and independent assortment.

128 Independent Assortment
Crossing Over Both Independent Assortment Prophase I Meiosis Metaphase I & II Homologous chromatids exchange gene varieties Genetic diversity Chromosomes randomly line up at equator Scores

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