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War Ends.

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Presentation on theme: "War Ends."— Presentation transcript:

1 War Ends

2 1914 World War I 1917 1918 begin US joins war war ends
__________________________________________________ Germany Germany sinks sank Lusitania US ships

3 Allied Powers and Central Powers were even….
Then US joins…Allied Powers used the extra one million US soldiers, food and supplies to defeat Central Powers. Allied Powers!


5 Armistice: agreement to stop fighting
Nov. 11, signed armistice (signed at the 11th hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month!) Armistice: agreement to stop fighting Treaty: when the figure out punishments for losing side

6 Treaty January 1919- Treaty was signed.
Leaders of countries met in Versailles Treaty of Versailles European leaders were blamed Germany for fighting- They used Treaty to punish Germany.

7 Treaty of Versailles Germany…. Lost colonies Gave land to France
Had to pay money to countries of Allied Powers Also… League of Nations -nations would support each other in world events. Try to solve problems peacefully

8 President Wilson helped make Treaty.
When he came back to US, the Senate did not want to join the League of Nations. Americans wanted to go back to isolationism- staying out of world events

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