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Session 5 Trust services and cloud security

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1 Session 5 Trust services and cloud security
ITU Workshop on “ICT Security Standardization for Developing Countries” (Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014) Session 5 Trust services and cloud security Moderator Chairman WP 3/SG 17/ITU-T Vice-chairman SG 17/ITU-T Heung Youl Youm Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

2 Security Standardization Challenges
Objectives This session will focus on presenting existing ICT security standards, guidelines, and best practices in the area of cloud security and identity management: Cloud computing is a model for enabling service user’s ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources, and Identity management is the management of the life cycle and use of identity information. Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

3 Presenters Huirong Tian, China, Vice Rapporteur, ITU-T/SG 17/Q.8
Abbie Barbir, ITU-T Q10/17 Rapporteur Daeseon Choi, Team Leader, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea Erik Andersen, Denmark Patrick Curry, British Business Federation Authority (& SC27 WG5) Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

4 Roundtable What are current major activities that other (standard) organizations are carrying out, which ITU-T SG17 needs to consider? What is your view about the gap of current standard activities of ITU-T SG17 in these areas? What is your perspectives about the future direction for ITU-T SG17 standardization activities in the areas of cloud and identity management, considering the future ICT environments, such as one supporting super-highly connected society? Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

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