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Open Data from a Water Reservoir Platform

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1 Open Data from a Water Reservoir Platform
Fernando Aguilar Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA) Santander - Spain

2 Introduction Framework: Collaboration within European LIFE+ project (ROEM+). SME Ecohydros. Reservoir hydrodinamic and Water Quality modelling. Cuerda del Pozo: water supply, water activities. Previous work Platform takes data from water: physical, chemical, biological, etc. Allows to know water status (data taken since 2010 aprox.) Data visualization tool. Aims to alert authorities when the water quality is under the limits.

3 Introduction One more step: knowing before an event happens the status of the water using modelling tools (Delft3D used in cloud). Goal: alert authorities not only in real time but before. The main problem is eutrophication:

4 Introduction Within 5 years of continuous monitoring in CdP Reservoir, this is the cyanobacterias concentration close to the dam: 2013 Dolichospermum crassum Colonias Woronichinia naegeliana Dolichospermum planctonicum Aphanizomenon flos-aquae 2014 Colonias Microcystis novacekii Dolichospermum crassum

5 Requirements Complete Data Life Cycle Solution
Planning, Describe & Collect, Curate, Integrate, Analyze, Preserve and Publish. Components: DMPTool: Data Management Plans, semantic features added. Open Science Framework: Data Catalogue based on Invenio. Key component connected to others. OneData: Distributed Storage System. Accessible by every component. Jupyter: python, R, etc. Notebook. Work environment. Cloud background. AAI: To be integrated (pilot).

6 Demo

7 Conclusions 1 2

8 Thanks for your attention
Fernando Aguilar Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA) Santander - Spain

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