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Communicable Disease Control

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1 Communicable Disease Control

2 Communicable disease pose a major threat to public health and are of significant concern to community health nurses. A communicable disease is one that can be transmitted from one person to another. It is caused by an agent that is infections (capable of producing infection) and is transmitted from a source, or reservoir, to a susceptible host.

3 Knowledge of communicable diseases is fundamental to the practice of community health nursing.
Understanding of the basic concepts of communicable disease control helps a community health nurse work effectively to prevent and control communicable disease in population and groups(including the nurses themselves).

4 Evolution of Communicable Disease Control:
Communicable diseases have challenged health care providers for centuries. They have led to the development of countless nursing and medical preventive measures, form simple procedures such as hand-washing, sanitation, and proper ventilation to the research and development of vaccines and antibiotics. Because these preventive measures have greatly reduced the spread of communicable disease, many people consider communicable diseases to be a threat of the past.

5 Yet the is not so. Communicable diseases, particularly those of epidemic and pandemic proportions, such as TB and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), continue to cost millions of lives and billions of dollars to the global human society every year.

6 Global Trends: During ht last several decades, substantial progress has been made in controlling some major infectious diseases around the world, although other diseases have not been managed as well. The following are some of the major accomplishments:

7 The WHO's Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) was launched in 1974
The WHO's Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) was launched in as a result, by 1995, more than 80% of the world's children had been immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, measles, and TB, compared with fewer than 5% in 1974 (WHO, 1998) Global eradication of smallpox was achieved in 1980. In 1988, a campaign for global eradication of poliomyelitis by the year 2000 was launched. Reported cases worldwide have declined by 99% since the campaign began. The global threat of plague has declined in the last 40 years, largely as a result of the use for antibiotics and insecticides.

8 Some major problem communicable diseases and areas remain, including the following:
Malaria remains a major threat, even though the mortality rate has improved in the last 25 years. Cholera, a series of pandemics have affected much of the world since 1960 and have become more widespread and more frequent in Africa since 1970s. TB has made a powerful resurgence in the last 3 decades as many countries let their control programs become complacent. WHO declared TB a global emergency in 1993.

9 Emerging diseases are rarely or never before seen.
Re-emerging diseases are diseases that once were major health problems globally or in a particular country, and then declined dramatically, but are again becoming health problems for a significant proportion of the population (malaria and tuberculosis are examples). (Epidemic, endemic, epidemic) .

10 Modes of Transmission:
Can be a person, animal, insect, or inanimate material جماد in which the infectious agent lives and multiplies and which serves as source of infection to others. Transmission of a communicable disease can occur by direct or indirect methods

11 Direct Transmission: Direct transmission occurs by immediate transfer of infectious agents from a reservoir to a new host. It requires direct contact with the source, through touching, biting, kissing, or sexual intercourse. or by direct projection of droplet spray onto the eye, nose or mouth during sneezing, coughing, laughing, spitting بصق, singing, or talking. Direct transmission is limited to a distance of 1 meter or less.

12 Indirect Transmission:
Indirect transmission occurs when the infectious agent is transported within contaminated inanimate materials such as air, water or food. It is also commonly referred to as vehicle borne transmission.

13 Airborne Transmission:
Airborne transmission occurs when infectious agents are carried by dust suspended in the air.    The particles are less than 5 microns: e.g. tuberculosis, chickenpox, measles. They remain airborne for long periods, may disseminate widely in an environment such as a hospital ward or an operating room.

14 Vector Transmission Vector-borne transmission occurs through a nonhuman carrier such as an animal or insect Common vectors include bats, fleas, lice, mosquitoes, raccoons, rats, squirrels, and ticks. الخفافيش والبراغيث والقمل والبعوض ، الراكون ، الفئران، والسناجب ، والقُرَاد في القطط والكلاب E.g., Louse-borne typhus, flea-borne plague, mosquito-borne malaria

15 Primary Prevention: in the context of communicable disease control, two approaches are useful in achieving primary prevention: education using mass media and targeting health messages to aggregates. Immunization.

16 Education: Health education in primary prevention is directed at helping at risk individuals understand their risk status and at promoting behaviors that decrease exposure or susceptibility. Use of the mass media is the most effective way to reach the largest number or people.

17 Immunization: Immunization is the process of introducing some form of disease-causing organism into a person's system to cause the development of antibodies that will resist that disease. This process makes the person immune to that particular infectious disease (ie, able to resist a specific infectious disease-causing agent).

18 Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Vaccine-preventable disease (VPD), such as hepatitis B, H. influenza type b, measles, polio, diphtheria, pertussis, and chickenpox, are diseases that can be prevented through immunization.

19 Schedule of Recommended Immunizations:
Palestinian National immunization program is a unified between UNRWA and MOH.


21 Herd Immunity: Herd immunity is the immunity level present in a particular population of people. If there are few immune persons within a community, there is low herd immunity and the spread of disease is more likely. Vaccination of more individuals in the community contributes to high herd immunity.

22 Outbreaks may occur if the immunization rate falls to less than 85% or if unimmunized susceptible persons are grouped together rather than dispersed throughout the immunized community.

23 Barriers to Immunizations Coverage:
Improving immunization coverage requires examination of reasons that children are not immunized. Many barriers exist. They include financial, social, and cultural factors; philosophical objections; and provider limitations.

24 Adult Immunization: Many people falsely assume that vaccinations are for children only. Adult vaccines include: influenza vaccination, Travelers, immigrants, and Refugees campaigns السفر الى الحج الى المناطق الموبوءة

There are two approaches to secondary prevention of communicable disease: Screening Contact investigation, partner notification, and case-finding.

26 Screening The term screening is used to describe programs that deliver a testing mechanism to detect disease in groups of asymptomatic, apparently healthy individuals. Hepatitis B or C STDs TB

27 Screening is a secondary prevention method because it discovers those who may have already become infected in order to initiate prompt early treatment. It is important to remember that the screening itself is not diagnostic but rather seeks to identify those persons with positive who require further medical evaluation or treatment.

28 Criteria for Screening Tests:
Validity and Reliability. The screening test must be valid and reliable. Validity refers to the test's ability to accurately identify those with the disease. Reliability refers to the test's ability to give consistent results when administered on different occasions by different technicians.

29 Contact Investigation, Partner Notification, and Case-Finding
Another secondary prevention approach is known as contact investigation, partner notification, and case-finding. In this approach, the community health nurse seeks to discover and notify those who have had contact with a person diagnosed with a communicable disease such as with TB and to notify partners in the case of STDs.

30 The objective of contact investigation and partner notification is specifically to reach contacts of the index case (diagnosed person) before the contacts, in turn, become infectious (CDC, 2002c).

31 Tertiary Prevention: The approaches to tertiary prevention of communicable disease include isolation and quarantine (كَرَنْتِينا , مَحْجَرٌ صِحِّيّ) of the infected person and safe handling and control of infectious wastes. Thank you

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