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Peer Instruction Protocol

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1 Peer Instruction Protocol
PhET Investigation/ AC & DC Circuits

2 1 Suggest three plausible explanations for why the light bulb is off.

3 2 Examine Models 2 and 3, then predict and explain the effect of closing the switch unit.

4 3 Examine Models 2 and 3, then predict and explain the effect of closing the switch unit.

5 Compare Models 4 and 5 then explain the impact of adding an inductor to the circuit.

6 Imagine that only the 4 batteries were removed from the circuit
Imagine that only the 4 batteries were removed from the circuit. Predict whether the light bulb will illuminate. 5

7 Based on Model #6, what would the approximate voltage be with 6 batteries?
Explain your reasoning. 6

8 Examine Models 7 and 8, then explain why the placement of the multi- meter probes produces different voltage measurements. 7

9 8 Examine Models 7 and 8, then explain why the placement of the multi- meter probes produces different voltage measurements.

10 9 Examine Models 9 and 10. Then, describe and explain any difference you observed.

11 Then, describe and explain any difference you observed.
10 Examine Models 9 and 10. Then, describe and explain any difference you observed.

12 11 Describe at least three actions that could lead to a multi-meter reading of ~56V.


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