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Housing LIN 2013/2014 (1st Quarter update) Jeremy Porteus Director

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Presentation on theme: "Housing LIN 2013/2014 (1st Quarter update) Jeremy Porteus Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing LIN 2013/2014 (1st Quarter update) Jeremy Porteus Director

2 Housing LIN updates Web developments: Refresh of Housing LIN homepage
New health & housing “Healthwatch” page, more targeted resources e.g. funding ECH, dementia and design elements, plus new Key Info section and Twitter

3 May/June 2013 Newsletter (1)
Policy & Funding developments: PM Challenge on Dementia annual report. Reference to new NHF report (jointly funded with Housing LIN) entitled ‘Dementia: Finding Housing Solutions’ DH Care & Support Specialist Housing Fund expected in June

4 May/June 2013 Newsletter (2)
New Housing LIN resources: Funding extra care housing technical brief (capital and revenue aspects) Report on ECH, combating loneliness & isolation

5 May/June 2013 Newsletter (3)
More New Housing LIN resources: 2 new case studies on different aspects of “downsizing” and freeing up housing markets A discussion paper on what impact, if any, does the use of personal budgets in housing with care for older people have on the characteristics and quality of the care provision? Regional updates on all that is happening in your area. Keep items coming in for next newsletter!

6 New activities/resources (1)
New viewpoints on wider housing choices for older people i.e. cohousing, almshouses and cooperatives Thinkpiece with CIH on future models of sheltered housing for rent and sale Case studies on age-friendly housing and age-inclusive neighbourhoods, and dementia project Post conference report from SE & SW Housing LIN conference

7 New activities/resources (2)
Good take up of Looking to extend data fields to include additional new data e.g. prevalence dementia Ongoing work with consortium on Health and Housing compact with NHS England and Clinical Commissioning Groups Planning 3rd Housing LIN annual conference – Nov 2013?

8 New activities/resources (3)
Call for information: Identify 3-6 providers that would be willing to be involved in a joint health and housing research project on long term conditions management with the Young Foundation (let Jeremy know!) Forthcoming activities: Lots more thought-provoking viewpoints, good practice case studies and informative learning resources

9 Thank you! C/o EAC 3rd Floor, 89 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TP
tel: website:

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