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St Francis Gather Click on the icon to play media hyperlink. Scroll down to play the 60sec news update.

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Presentation on theme: "St Francis Gather Click on the icon to play media hyperlink. Scroll down to play the 60sec news update."— Presentation transcript:

1 St Francis Gather Click on the icon to play media hyperlink. Scroll down to play the 60sec news update

2 St Francis Word Last week Christians around the world remembered one of the great heroes of their faith Francis of Assisi who died on October 3, 1226.

3 St Francis Word Francis lived in an age of religious crusades, fear and oppression. He was born into a society where the gap between the rich and the poor was increasingly unacceptable. He existed at a time when the world was in turmoil. As we watch news reports from around the world today some may feel that we also live in a time of turmoil.

4 St Francis Response Far from losing hope Francis was inspired to take action. He became known as a critic of economic injustice, one of the earliest Christian environmentalists, and a conscientious objector to war. This morning you are invited to reflect on the words of a famous prayer attributed to Francis. May they inspire us to become better people and to build a better world.

5 St Francis Lord, Make me an instrument of your peace.
Dismiss Lord, Make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon, Where there is discord, union, Where there is doubt, faith, Where there is error, truth, Where there is despair, hope, Where there is sadness, joy, Where there is darkness, light.

6 St Francis Dismiss

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