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What do you already know about bacteria?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you already know about bacteria?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you already know about bacteria?
DNA What do you already know about bacteria?

2 Bacteria

3 Bacterial Cells No membrane- bound organelles
Do contain ribosomes for making proteins Have a cell wall with peptidoglycan Much larger than viruses, but smaller than eukaryotes

4 Bacterial Genome Double-stranded circular DNA
1/1000th as much DNA as eukaryotes 100x as much as virus Densely packed in nucleoid region

5 Bacterial Reproduction
Called binary fission Two identical daughter cells formed, but NOT BY MITOSIS

6 But Recombination Occurs
Bacteria still change and evolve by: Mutations Transduction Transformation Conjugation

7 Mutations Still somewhat rare
BUT bacteria multiply at extremely rapid rates, so mutations occur somewhat often If a mutation occurs, ALL FUTURE OFFSPRING will have it

8 Transformation The process of bacteria taking in foreign DNA
E.Coli when treated with lots of calcium can be made to take in foreign DNA, a huge tool in biotechnology!

9 Transduction Every time a virus leaves a cell, it takes a little extra DNA with it This DNA can be transferred to new hosts


11 Plasmids Small, circular self- replicating segment of DNA in bacteria
Not necessary for survival, but can provide benefits for bacteria Might also be ancestor of viruses?

12 Major Types of Plasmid R Plasmid – gives resistance to antibiotics
F Plasmid – allows bacteria to pass along DNA via a pili – like a bacterial penis

13 Conjugation - Bacterial Sex
One bacteria donates a plasmid to another Via the pillus Allows bacteria to pass along things such as resistance

14 F Plasmid

15 Treating Bacterial Infections
Much easier than viruses Antibacterial agents can attack the bacteria, without affecting us Attack bacterial cell walls, protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, ribosomes etc. But bacteria evolve resistance!

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