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Ectopic CycE promotes both proliferation and apoptosis.

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1 Ectopic CycE promotes both proliferation and apoptosis.
Ectopic CycE promotes both proliferation and apoptosis. (A–B’’) DNA synthesis activity and mitotic activity upon CycE ectopic expression were examined through the BrdU incorporation assay (A–A’’) and pH 3 staining (B–B’’), respectively. The scale bar is 20 cm. (C–C’’) The apoptotic effect upon CycE overexpression in the wing disc was examined by Dcp1 staining. The scale bar is 20 cm. (D–F) Quantifications of the proliferative and apoptotic effects upon CycE overexpression. Percentages of cells with BrdU incorporation events (D) and pH 3 staining signal (E), and the apoptotic effect by normalized Dcp1 signal intensity (F) are shown [n(BrdU) = 8; n(pH 3) = 6; and n(Dcp1) = 35; error bars are SE values]. BrdU, bromodeoxyuridine; CycE, Cyclin E; GFP, green fluorescent protein; pH 3, phospho-Histone H3. Zhiqiang Shu, and Wu-Min Deng G3 2017;7: ©2017 by Genetics Society of America

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