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13th October 2013: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Presentation on theme: "13th October 2013: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time"— Presentation transcript:

1 13th October 2013: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

2 Gospel: Luke Ch. 17:

3 Jesus heals 10 men

4 One of the lepers, realizing that he had ben healed returned to Jesus… he was a Samaritan, a foreigner.

5 What about the other 9? They also were healed.

6 1. The one who returned to Jesus to say Thank You got busy, seeking work, a new place to live, and maybe he hoped to have a family.

7 2. Another of the lepers was afraid to do anything: What do I do now
2. Another of the lepers was afraid to do anything: What do I do now? I can’t beg anymore. I have to work hard. I have no skills etc. etc.

8 So he remained alone, afraid, again like a leper.

9 3. Another leper, realizing that he was now clean determined to be cruel on those who laughed at him when he was still a leper.

10 “They will pay for what they did to me he said, but he never enjoyed any joy in his cure, and so with the others.

11 All of them went their separate way without ever saying “Thank You” to God for their cure.

12 The situation of the lepers in the time of Jesus… Do we realize that God is in our midst, always, everywhere and our Thank You Lord? What about?

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