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Demonstration of Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstration of Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Learning???- a relatively permanent change in behavior that results from experience.

2 Demonstration of Learning

3 Classical Conditioning
Neutral stimulus is paired with a stimulus that elicits a reflex (response) until the neutral response alone elicits a similar response. UCS UCR (meat powder) (salivation) CS  CR (buzzer) (salivation)

4 Words to Know Generalization- in conditioned learning, when 2 or more stimuli are similar, the response to them is the same (i.e.- fire alarm and dismissal bell Discrimination- in conditioned learning, the ability to recognize the differences between 2 similar stimuli Extinction- the weakening of the process after the UCS has been removed Spontaneous Recovery- the revival of an extinguished behavior after a period of nonresponding Reflex- automatic reaction to a stimulus

5 Words to know (continued)
Acquisition- process through which a CS begins to produce a CR (i.e..- infant’s fear of doctors (needles). Intensity-increase leads to a strengthening of a CR and speed (meat powder to meat) Relevance- saccharin-flavored water Biological Predisposition- snakes vs. stereos Timing- longer the delay, weaker the CR; optimal- 1.5 seconds exception- taste

6 Taste Aversion Studies
Sheep Study- lithium chloride Rats and radiation- not time dependent Ice cream Study- cancer patients

7 Conditioned Response and Drug Abuse

8 Pavlov

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