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Are you gambling with your future or your families future?

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1 Are you gambling with your future or your families future?
What happens when you hear the word….. INSURANCE? SO Are you gambling with your future or your families future? Consider what life would be like for your family if you were unable to work, or worse still if you were no longer around. Red or Black??

2 WHY INSURE? One of the greatest gifts that you can give your family, is to think ahead and be prepared for the unexpected. Each year thousands of Australians are injured, suffer a serious illness or die unexpectedly. If this happened in your family would you be able to afford: The monthly mortgage payment? - Continuing education expenses? – The cost of additional home help? The living expenses of your current lifestyle? - Sufficient retirement savings? The loss of family income and increased medical costs may… Force the sale of the family home - The sale of other assets - The running down of savings – Deprive your children of the life you had planned for them

3 WHY INSURE? One of the greatest gifts that you can give your family, is to think ahead and be prepared for the unexpected. When should you consider Life/Risk Insurance? Getting married Having children Buying a home….taking on debt - Starting your own business Putting together a financial plan

4 LIFE COVER….Who Needs It?
Life Cover first and foremost provides peace of mind to the life insured, and their family. The proceeds can be used to: Replace your income Clear the mortgage Payout Credit Cards and clear other debts Provide for the children’s education Provide for living expenses Provide sufficient funds to enable a comfortable retirement There are three shocks that happen after death: = The emotional shock = The financial shock = And the reorganisational shock If the financial and reorganisational issues are handled well, then this minimizes the emotional shock. If the finances and organizational issues are in disarray then this will exacerbate the emotional shock. The truth is, it’s always a struggle when you lose someone you love. But your emotional struggles don’t need to be compounded by financial difficulties. Life insurance helps make sure that the people you care about will be provided for financially, even if you or your spouse are not there to care for them. That’s quite a legacy to bestow and to be remembered by.

5 TRAUMA …. Who Needs It? Advances in medical technology have led to an earlier diagnosis of certain medical conditions, as well as diagnosis of medical events at a much smaller size or lesser stage. As a form of “living” insurance, trauma coverage provides protection against events that result in a loss financially and otherwise. Proceeds may be used for : Repayment or extinguishment of debt. This allows the insured to focus on a full recovery at their own pace Assist with medical costs Costs of ongoing nursing care Day to day living expenses that quickly accumulate Capital to satisfy income requirements when adjustments to lifestyle and work arrangements are necessary for recovery The fact that the trigger for trauma benefits is usually not measured by an ability to work or perform other objective events, means that trauma insurance can bridge the gap between income protection, health insurance, total and permanent disability (TPD) and death.

6 TRAUMA …. Who Needs It? Trauma (Recovery) Insurance PAYS ON DIAGNOSIS
Of 50+ Medical Conditions Advanced Dementia & Alzheimer's Diplegia Multiple Sclerosis Angioplasty Encephalitis Muscular Dystrophy Aortic Surgery HEART ATTACK Occupationally acquired HIV Aplastic Anaemia Heart Valve Surgery Open Heart Surgery Benign Brain Tumour Hemiplegia Paralysis of a Single Limb Blindness Intensive Care PARAPLEGIA CANCER Loss of Independent Existence Parkinson’s Disease Cardiomyopathy Loss of Limbs and/or Sight Pneumonectomy Chronic Kidney Failure Loss of Speech Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Chronic Liver Disease Major Head Trauma QUADRIPLEGIA Cognitive Loss Major Organ Transplant Severe Burns Coma Medically Acquired HIV STROKE Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery Meningitis and/or Meningococcal Terminal Illness Deafness Motor Neurone Disease Triple Vessel Angioplasty

7 Protecting your most precious asset
TRAUMA …. Who Needs It? Protecting your most precious asset It is natural desire to want to wrap your child in cotton wool and protect them from harm. But while cotton wool might protect them from sticks and stones children are just as much at risk of suffering a traumatic event as adults. Did you know? Over 300,000 children aged between 0 – 14 were seen in casualty 2004/05 (latest stats from CommInsure 2008 booklet) 200,000 children fall critically ill each year in Australia In 1999 – 2000, 7,094 children aged 0 – 14 were hospitalised for cancer There are more than 1,000 children with spinal cord injuries in Australia Child Cover pays you a lump sum if your child suffers one of 38 specified child trauma events. You can apply for up to $100,000 worth of Child Cover for children between the ages of two and 16 inclusive. You can cover more than one child, each child must be insured for the same amount.

Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) offers the life insured protection and financial peace of mind and has been designed to meet a specific insurance need, which is the inability to work as a result of injury or illness. The consequences of Total & Permanent Disability vary from: Initial medical costs and financial burden, to - Long term issues of rehabilitation and The future financial security of the insured is family and / or their business When a person is totally and permanently disabled, they lose the ability to earn an income and they generally require extensive support and care. They become a significant additional cost on the household. The insured has therefore gone from being the provider of income to being a strain on the household resources. The role of TPD is simple, it is effectively a “catch all” benefit and provides a safety net covering illnesses and injuries that could impact on the insured to the extent that they become Totally and Permanently disabled. These events can be immediate (eg spinal injury after a car accident) or it could be the result of an accumulation of different illnesses, over a long period of time (eg severe depression with an arthritic condition).

Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) offers the life insured protection and financial peace of mind and has been designed to meet a specific insurance need, which is the inability to work as a result of injury or illness. Breadwinner Lost income can be replaced and debts can be removed or reduced Homemaker - Funds are available to allow a choice of employing domestic help, but also to provide rehabilitation for the impacted insured. Alternatively the policy proceeds can allow the breadwinner to stop work and take on the home duties. Business Owners - In the event of disablement debts can be serviced. Funds can also be used for buy-sell arrangements. People with Mortgages - In the event of disablement, debts can be removed or significantly reduced. People in Retirement - By providing a lump sum benefit for the dementia type illnesses and thereby cover the cost of nursing care etc.

10 The Concept of Wealth & Lifestyle Protection
(Transitioning Through The Stages of Life) The Various Stages of Life Home Mortgage, Children, Education Costs, Home Improvements, New Home, Personal Loans, Credit Cards, Holidays, New Car, Retirement Funding Now Cliff Retirement 65? Cliff Let me show you what I do. We call this the two cliffs. You can think of your world at this point in time as being between two cliffs. Here we have the world of work and her we have the world of retirement. Her you are with your family, transitioning across from the world of work…..trying to get across to the world of retirement, eventually. However, you will notice that in between the world of work and the world of retirement, we unfortunately have a large gap. And at the bottom of this gap we have a crocodile waiting to devour you.

11 The Concept of Wealth & Lifestyle Protection
(Transitioning Through The Stages of Life) The Various Stages of Life Home Mortgage, Children, Education Costs, Home Improvements, New Home, Personal Loans, Credit Cards, Holidays, New Car, Retirement Funding Now Cliff Retirement 65? Cliff Retirement 65? Cliff Retirement 65? Cliff Now Cliff Disability Critical Illness Premature Death The crocodile is divided into three – One crocodile is called DISABILITY…..where you lose your ability to produce income, which is the biggest and only asset that you have. Another crocodile is called CRITICAL ILLNESS. For 80% of us it’s not if we need money but when. You can think of moving money from one kind of bank account to another kind of a bank account. You are not spending money but investing it and taking care of a problem that you are doomed to have 80% of the time. The third crocodile is called PREMATURE DEATH. And death after all is premature if you don’t have enough assets to sustain the faimly. Would you agree? At all costs, you want to avoid falling through the gap in getting to the other side. You can think of these options as being the services and solutions and the products of the companies that I represent.

12 The Concept of Wealth & Lifestyle Protection
(Transitioning Through The Stages of Life) Facing Life With a Financial safety Net Protecting Against the “What Ifs” The Various Stages of Life Home Mortgage, Children, Education Costs, Home Improvements, New Home, Personal Loans, Credit Cards, Holidays, New Car, Retirement Funding Now Cliff Retirement 65? Cliff Life Trauma Income TPD Mortgage There are a couple of things that we can do together in working with these building blocks. We can stack them down this side of the cliff…and that is your investment strategy to do with your Super’ and everything else. And if we stack them down this side of the cliff we bring the world of retirement closer. Or we can take these blocks and build across the top….and that’s your Risk strategy. And that includes looking at your Will, your partnership agreement and/or everything else. Now if by default you decide not to take me up on these options, you are automatically doing two things. You’re stacking the blocks down the side (left hand side) making it longer and leaving yourself exposed. You might leave a dangerous gap that you might slip through. Where would you prefer to start our conversation today. Putting a safety net in place across the top or leaving you and/or your family where? Leave the dangerous gap that you might slip through? Disability Critical Illness Premature Death

I F E S TYLE Luxury Above Average Average Poor Question: Where would you place yourself on “The Lifestyle Wedge”? LUXURY ABOVE AVERAGE AVERAGE POOR Question: What do you think maintains your lifestyle?

14 Question: What do you think maintains your lifestyle?
Luxury Above Average YOU! YOUR INCOME $$$$$ Average Poor Question: What do you think maintains your lifestyle? Question: What happens to your lifestyle if you remove the “income wedge”?

15 When Income Is Lost/Reduced Risk Insurance $$$$$$$
F E S TYLE When Income Is Lost/Reduced Risk Insurance $$$$$$$ Protects Lifestyle $$$$$ NO Income Protection Luxury YOUR INCOME $$$$$ Above Average Average YOU! Poor

16 When Income Is Lost/Reduced Risk Insurance $$$$$$$
F E S TYLE When Income Is Lost/Reduced Risk Insurance $$$$$$$ Protects Lifestyle $$$$$ Income Protection Luxury Above Average YOUR INCOME $$$$$ YOU! Average Poor

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