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CITE tests for and HMA-T Phase 2, FP Meeting

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1 CITE tests for 06-131 and 07-038 HMA-T Phase 2, FP Meeting
15 December 2009, Frascati Nicolas Lesage, IGN Slide 1

2 Toc Achievements Open issues Demos Way forward
Open actions Remaining issues Demos Way forward (Detailed review of implementations issues) Slide 2

3 Achievements (1/3) WP0 – Management WP1 – Improve P&P
Meetings & telecons Participation to all meetings and teleconfs Monthly progress reports WP1 – Improve P&P HMAT-TN-0001-IGN, HMA-T Phase 2 Testing Policy, Issue 1, 25/08/2008 Defines the ATS and ETS development process for HMA-T Catalogue protocols Specifies input, output, context, resources of the process HMAT-TN-0001-IGN, HMA-T Phase 2 Testing Policy, Issue 1, Revision 1, 03/02/2009 Includes an ATS template based on the other partners’ ATS layout HMAT-TN-0001-IGN, HMAT Phase 2 Testing policy - Issue 1, Revision 2, 09/03/2009 Slide 3

4 Achievements (2/3) WP2 – CITE Tests for OGC 06-131 (EO EP)
Consolidated ATS for EO EP, Issue 1, Revision 0 has been incorporated in EO EP v0.2.4 ETS available on Trunk branch of HMA svn repository EO EP tests can be performed on Montgomery for: v0.2.4 v0.2.5 WP3 – CITE Tests for OGC (CIM EP) CIM EP ATS and conformance CR including CIM XML files CIM EP tests can be performed on Montgomery for CIM v and CIM v0.1.11 Slide 4

5 Achievements (3/3) Re-use and consolidation of the “best” tests developed by the different partners Tests of the implementation of the RIM Model of the EO and CIM EP is done through a configuration file This avoids long CTL files repeating the same code and eases the development and maintenance This also provides a means to test the tests (changing the configuration files to force errors) and to debug the catalogue (changing the configuration files to accommodate some non conformances) Package availability is tested using the EP canonical files as an input. Same advantage as the configuration file Direct from the spec to the implementation Toward a tool box for ebRIM EP Tests Didn’t find a way to define configuration files for testing the mappings between RIM Model and repository files… Organization of HMA svn to avoid redundancy of codes and ease maintenance Slide 5

6 Recent achievements (1/2)
Management of remaining issues on HMA-T Wiki EO EP Issues have been addressed EO#01 - Activation of the eo suite on Montgomery EO#02 - Registry package id vs Extrinsic object id EO#03 - Test scripts for mappings between ebRIM registry and GML EO repository items EO#04 - Implementation of EO EP Tests related to v0.2.5 CIM EP Issues have been addressed CIM#01 - Stylesheet error on Montgomery CIM EP tests Update process of Montgomery modified by Paulo CIM#02 - CIM EP spec Revised draft of CIM submitted to F. Houbie ( ) Complementary corrections submitted Date slot of *:MetadataInformation Extrinsic Object should not be mandatory Should be instantiated either as Date or DateTime Slide 6

7 Recent achievements (2/2)
Common Issues have been addressed COM#01 - Multiple endpoints white paper on multiple endpoints SOAP1.1 value of PostEncoding constraint to be introduced in EO EP white paper related to the WSDL file and the GetCapabilities document. To be confirmed: Change Request to be made on r4 wsdi:wsdlLocation should use a valid WSDL namespace name Comment to be submitted as part of the OWS Common 1.2 vote removal of wsdi:wsdlLocation and its replacement by ows:wsdl Implemented in CIM (not yet to EO) EP: option 2 (use of a parameter file) COM#02 - "obtain" parameter in rim:request COM#03 - Finalization of “not implemented yet” tests COM#04 - Id of registry object for GetRecords operation See conclusions of the Id parameter of GetRepositoryItem discussions COM#05 - Value of 'service' parameter in GetCapabilities request CIM tests can be run from a parameter file Slide 7

8 Open actions (1/2) #130: Release enhanced version of ETS/CTL for CIM; ebRIM and EO scripts CIM: ETS are available on svn and montgomery for 2 versions of CIM spec ( and ) EO: ETS are available on svn and montgomery for 2 versions of EO spec (0.2.4 and 0.2.5) ebRIM: See #197 #197: Define SVN/CTL structure for ebRIM AP so other partners can contribute Done No contribution from partners #214: take requirement about multiple endpoints in account at later stage and make available a working version first to be enhanced Done. See COM#01 Slide 8

9 Open actions (2/2) #215: Check and correct test which may be broken due to CNR update Done. Action to be closed #216: if specification is unclear about which ID to use, communicate information to ERDAS. Done. See COM#02 #217: Discuss new parameter "obtain" off-line with Intecs and CNR Done. See COM#04 #218: Send when CIM EP are complete including canonical file Done Slide 9

10 Remaining issues IGN Involving partners
Management of multiple endpoints for EO EP including use of parameter files to run the tests Missing error logs Involving partners Lack of endpoints implementing the recent versions of EO and CIM EP specs Some CTL may need to be improved (e.g. SOAP 1.1 support and mappings) Known implementation issues for EO EP and CIM EP Slides available at the end of the presentation Few clarifications expected in CIM EP Implementation of slot with a classification or InternationalString as data type Encoding of envelopes CIM (and possibly EO) EP specs are not final yet EO EP: SOAP1.1 value of PostEncoding constraint to be introduced CIM EP: on-going work of F. Houbie Problems to enable EO EP tests on Montgomery (with support of Paulo) Slide 10

11 Demos CIM EP EO EP 0.2.4 EO EP 0.2.5 Erdas Catalog CNR-IMAA Catalog
GIM/VITO CSW : (implements version 0.2.2) Spot Image WS-Dali ebRIM proxy : (implements version 0.2.2) ERDAS Catalog : (implements version 0.2.2) IMAA-CNR CSW : (implements version 0.2.2) ESA HMA-E RSC Catalog : (implements version 0.2.2) ESA Catalog : (implements version ??) EO EP 0.2.5 Erdas catalog : Slide 11

12 Way forward IGN Remaining issues
Can be fixed very quickly (before 2010 at least) How to address remaining issues involving partners? Reuse of CIM and EO EP Tests (tool box) for other EP to be investigated Slide 12

13 Implementation Issues
CITE tests for EO EP (06-131) HMA-T Phase 2 FP Meeting 15 december, Frascati Nicolas LESAGE, IGN Slide 13

14 Testing of EO EP Services
Testing against version 0.2.4 GIM/VITO CSW : (implements version 0.2.2) Spot Image WS-Dali ebRIM proxy : (implements version 0.2.2) ERDAS Catalog : (implements version 0.2.2) IMAA-CNR CSW : (implements version 0.2.2) ESA HMA-E RSC Catalog : (implements version 0.2.2) ESA Catalog : (implements version ??) Testing against version 0.2.5 Erdas catalog : Testing has taken place on due to problems with EOEP scripts on Montgomery Slide 14

15 GIM VITO CSW Endpoint : Issues
ATC1.2: GIM VITO Catalogue does not support 'urn:ogc:def:ebRIM-Query:OGC:listExtensionPackages' ad hoc query. ATC1.5 : Problem in mappings between repository item and extrinsic object (id: urn:ogc:def:EOP:VITO:VGT4AFRICA.ALBQ:VGT4AFRICA_ALBQ_ _Africa_POSTEL) beginPosition slot (Table 3, row 13) : slot has no value while there is one in the GML file endPosition slot (Table 3, row 14) : slot has no value while there is one in the GML file ATC1.6 : there is no rim:Classification inside the wrs:ExtrinsicObject (EOProductTypes classification) ATC1.12 : slot fileName must have type "anyURI", not "string" ATC1.15 : slot fileName must have type "anyURI", not "string" ATC1.18 : Two mandatory slots are missing on EOMaskInformation : fileName and format ATC 1.26 : SOAP 1.1 binding. Does not work, to be investigated with Erdas. Slide 15

16 Spot Image WS Dali proxy
Endpoint : Tests cannot be run Error message on GetRecords requests : « classificationScheme property can only be asked on Concept object (check the propertyName) » Slide 16

17 ERDAS Catalog (0.2.2) Endpoint : Tests cannot be run, no records in the catalogue ? Responses indicate 0 record matched for the different EOProduct types (EOP, OPT, SAR…) Slide 17

18 IMAA-CNR Catalog Endpoint : demo/services/cswebrimeo Tests cannot be run, HTTP 400 error (bad request) Slide 18

19 ESA HMA-E RSC Catalog Endpoint : SNAPSHOT/wrs/WRS? Issues ATC1.2: Catalogue does not support 'urn:ogc:def:ebRIM-Query:OGC:listExtensionPackages' ad hoc query. See 10.1 of r4 ATC1.3: The namespace of the root element of the capabilities document is ' (i.e. CS-W 2.0.2) instead of ' (i.e. CSW-ebRIM). See cl. 8.3 of r4. ATC1.5, 1.10, 1.13, 1.16, 1.19, 1.22, 1.24, 2.2 : no repository item attached to the extrinsic object under test ATC1.6 : there is no rim:Classification inside the wrs:ExtrinsicObject (EOProductTypes classification) ATC1.15 : slot fileName must have type "anyURI", not "string" ATC1.18 : Two mandatory slots are missing on EOMaskInformation : fileName and format ATC 1.26 : Problem with SOAP1.1 binding, to be investigated with Erdas ATC 2.1 : polarisationMode slot is missing Slide 19

20 ESA Catalog Endpoint : Tests cannot be run from IGN CITE : HTTP 504 error (Gateway Timeout) This catalog has IP-based access rights, problem with access rights from IGN ?? To be tested from Montgomery Slide 20

21 Erdas Catalog (0.2.5) Endpoint : Issues ATC1.2: Catalogue does not support 'urn:ogc:def:ebRIM-Query:OGC:listExtensionPackages' ad hoc query. See 10.1 of r4 ATC1.3: The namespace of the root element of the capabilities document is ' (i.e. CS-W 2.0.2) instead of ' (i.e. CSW-ebRIM). See cl. 8.3 of r4 ATC1.4, ATC1.9, ATC 1.15, ATC1.21, ATC1. ATC1.21, ATC3.1 : Incorrect « string », « dateTime », « double » and/or « int » slot types (should be URN-based) ATC1.5 : problems in mappings beginPosition (06-131, Table 3, row 13), endposition (06-131, Table 3, row 14), acquisitionDate (06-131, Table 3, row 16) : incorrect mapping (empty value in the extrinsic object) wrsLongitudeGrid (06-131, Table 3, row 31) and wrsLatitudeGrid (06-131, Table 3, row 32): no slot in the extrinsic object while there is a non-empty eop:wrsLongitudeGrid element in the GML file ATC1.6 : there is no rim:Classification inside the wrs:ExtrinsicObject (EOProductTypes classification) ATC1.18: Two mandatory slots are missing on EOMaskInformation : fileName and format ATC1.23 : Wrong Registry Package name (missing ‘s’ at the end of EOProduct) ATC1.26: Problem with SOAP1.1 binding, to be investigated with Erdas Slide 21

22 Implementation Issues
CITE tests for CIM EP (07-038) HMA-T Phase 2 FP Meeting 15 december, Frascati Nicolas LESAGE, IGN Slide 22

23 ERDAS Catalog (1/2) General issue Test A.1.2: Support of SOAP 1.1
The endpoint is said to implement CIM 0.1.9, but seems to implement The issues raised hereafter relate consequently to CIM Test A.1.2: Support of SOAP 1.1 Does not work to be investigated Test A.1.6: Instantiation of attributes, slots and classifications ERDAS implementation tends to use CIM specific slot names instead of the names defined in CIM or Basic Package. "urn:ogc:def:slot:OGC-CSW-ebRIM-CIM::date" instead of " "urn:ogc:def:slot:OGC-CSW-ebRIM-CIM::language" instead of " "urn:ogc:def:slot:OGC-CSW-ebRIM-CIM::references" instead of " The slotType used by ERDAS implementation is generally invalid. Not raised at that time by CIM Test Suite because the slot names are invalid The URN of the classification schemes are generally invalid "urn:ogc:def:ebRIM-ClassificationScheme::Services “ instead of " urn:ogc:def:classificationScheme:OGC-CSW-ebRIM-CIM::ISO-19119:2003:Services " "urn:ogc:def:ebRIM-ClassificationScheme:DCPList" instead of "urn:ogc:def:classificationScheme:OGC-CSW-ebRIM-CIM::DCPList" Slide 23

24 ERDAS Catalog (1/2) Test A.1.7: ERDAS Catalogue does not support 'urn:ogc:def:ebRIM- Query:OGC:listExtensionPackages' ad hoc query. See 10.1 of r4 Test A.1.9: Mappings implementation Some slot definitions were missing in the draft CIM ERDAS implementation has chosen to use a CIM specific Name while some of the slots can be implemented using Dublin Core metadata elements: For the Identifier Slot (*:MetadataInformation Extrinsic Object), the ERDAS name is "urn:ogc:def:slot:OGC-CSW-ebRIM-CIM::identifier" while it should be " No external identifier provided for *:DataMetadata or *:ServiceMetadata instances while the repository items contain valid identifiers More errors to be raised when previous errors will be fixed Slide 24

25 IMAA-CNR CSW GetRecords does not work
Returns a rim:RegistryPackage when requesting a rim:Association The package does not even contain the expected rim:Association Raise an error when requesting rim:ExtrinsicObject or wrs:ExtrinsicObject Invalid typenames!? The message lists the valid type names (including those requested) Slide 25

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