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Dr Margaret Chirgwin – Programme Director Primary Care Strategy

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1 Dr Margaret Chirgwin – Programme Director Primary Care Strategy
Newham CCG Latent Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment Programme 28th March 2014 Dr Margaret Chirgwin – Programme Director Primary Care Strategy

2 What is Latent TB? Latent TB is when a person has TB bacteria in their body without causing any symptoms. These bacteria can survive in the body for many years. Sometimes latent TB bacteria can ‘wake-up’. If this happens to someone, they will become ill with active TB At least one in ten people who have latent TB infection (LTBI) will become ill at some point during their lifetime – the majority in the first 10 years of coming to the UK

3 What is Newham CCG doing about TB in Newham?
The present service is focussed on those with active TB GP suspects a person has TB and sends them to Newham General to see the team there Outreach service provided by ELFT supports people to register with a GP and if at high risk of TB will offer them screening and then referral to the hospital All babies born in Newham has BCG

4 What is Newham CCG going to do about TB in Newham?
The new service – in addition to the present service All new patients registering with a GP in Newham who are aged and at high risk of having LTBI will be offered a blood test (IGRA) There will be a rolling programme across all practices to look at those already registered and send them a letter inviting them to have the same blood test

5 Who is High Risk? Come to UK in last 10 years from:

6 What happens if a person has a positive blood test?
They will meet with their GP and discuss if they wish to be treated or prefer to be vigilant – wait and see if their LTBI wakes up If they decide they would like to be treated they will need to have some further blood tests and a chest X-ray before starting the 3 month treatment

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