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Space Weather for Situational Awareness

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Presentation on theme: "Space Weather for Situational Awareness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Weather for Situational Awareness
Ted Driver

2 Introduction Quick intro about what we do
Review of space environment technologies our customers use New work for situational awareness (SA) users Current limitations

3 AGI technologies

4 AGI Tools – navigation perspective
Components Dynamic Geometry Library Navigation Library Terrain Library Web enabled .Net C# STK Space segment GNSS satellite and receiver design Communications analysis NavTK User segment High fidelity receiver modeling Navigation error analysis ODTK Control Segment GNSS Measurement processing Orbit/Position/Maneuver determination

5 Current AGI space weather modeling
STK/Space Environment Radiation dosing over time AFRL and NASA models used South Atlantic Anomaly effects Micrometeoroid impacts Vehicle Temperature NavTK and ODTK IRI2001 Ionospheric model as ‘truth’

6 New work Re-engineering Space Environment tool Moving to IRI2007 model
Working with a new partner to seamlessly integrate pieces from AF-GEOSpace models into STK Moving to IRI2007 model HF comm outage developments Current model depends on propagation loss calculated from slant range TEC values – not easy! Near real time ionospheric error analysis tool Shows unique capabilities of our components with readily available data

7 Iono error analyst

8 Current limitations Only viable at ground level 43 miles

9 Current limitations Only valid over CONUS
World wide slant range TEC would be extremely beneficial

10 Current limitations Data only available in near real time
~30-45 minute lag Predictive capability would make situational awareness more complete

11 Summary AGI tools help our customers understand their environment
Current space weather tools address customer requested capabilities New work will address wider range of data and data availability New technologies will deliver precise, accurate information in new ways

Questions? Ted Driver

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