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Nested State System of School Support

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1 Nested State System of School Support
School Instructional Leaders OUTPUTS INPUTS Students with their parents Instructional Core Teacher Content Teacher Leaders Principal Nested not only connotes caretaking and nurturing, but also an aligned, coherent system throughout which all parts fit, as you will see as this slide builds. What we most importantly must remained focused on is this triangle, The Instructional Core, students, supported by parents, with their teacher in the presence of content. We should also remember that each of the three components of the Instructional Core is intrinsically intertwined with the others. If we raise content standards then that will necessarily have an impact on teachers and kids. This Instructional Core is not only the most vital part of a school system, it is also the most difficult to change. The inertia of adult behavior here is powerful and our greatest challenge; thus, it must remain our ultimate focus. Next to the teacher, the principal is most important in improving student learning. But the job of being both school manager and instructional leader in most schools is impossible; therefore, distributing leadership among teacher leaders in the school has become a must. These teacher leaders are necessary for a school to become at true professional learning community in which all teachers collaboratively and professionally discuss their students’ work for the purpose of improving their craft. As the local school board and superintendent go, so goes the school system. The vision of an effective, efficient school district must be shared by the community at large and its leaders. School boards need to hold superintendents accountable for student achievement and superintendents need to hold principals accountable in a chain of accountability that reaches students and their parents. Regardless how talented and knowledgeable state agency staff may be, if their outreach does not meet school and district leaders in the field, impact is left to chance. Field staff that build trusting relationships with local educational leaders and staff are a necessary part of this statewide system of school support. Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia are strong working examples of this. District/Division/Community Leaders State Agency Field Staff State Agency …and Partners CCSSO RCCs CII

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