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Step-3: Principles of Good Interface and Screen Design

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1 Step-3: Principles of Good Interface and Screen Design
Lecture-6 Computer Systems Interface

2 Computer Systems Interface
What Users Want An orderly, clean appearance An obvious indication of what is being shown & what should be done with it Expected information located where it should be A clear indication of what relates to what, including options, headings, captions, data, & so forth Plain, simple English (Kazakh, Russian) A simple way of finding out what is in a system & how to get it out A clear indication of when an action can make a permanent change in the data or system Computer Systems Interface

3 Computer Systems Interface
MAXIM People will spend many, many hours staring at your screens. Computer Systems Interface

4 Interface Design Goals
To make an interface easy & pleasant to use, then, the goal in design is to Reduce visual work Reduce intellectual work Reduce memory work Reduce motor work Minimize or eliminate any burdens or instructions imposed by technology Computer Systems Interface

5 The Test for a Good Design
Can all screen or Web page elements be identified by cues other than by reading the words that make them up? The best interfaces make everything on the screen obvious. Computer Systems Interface

6 Screen & Web Page Meaning & Purpose
Each element Every control All text The screen organization All emphasis Each color Every graphic All screen animation Each message All forms of feedback Must Have meaning to users Serve a purpose in performing tasks. Computer Systems Interface

7 Computer Systems Interface
Signals & Noise Noise is useless information. Signals are useful information. Noise is distracting, reduces clarity, & contributes to info overload. Minimize noise & maximize signals. Ex: World’s Worst Website Computer Systems Interface

8 Computer Systems Interface
Consistency Follow the same conventions & rules across all related interfaces Deviate only when there is a clear benefit for the user MYTH: Users can get used to anything Computer Systems Interface

9 Computer Systems Interface
Starting Point Upper-left corner Focus user attention on the most important parts of a screen Textual displays Top-to-bottom, left-to-right Reading text Computer Systems Interface

10 Computer Systems Interface
Starting Point (cont.) Graphical & Web Displays People tend to look at text first, not images Larger type dominates over smaller type Changing info is looked at before non-changing info Computer Systems Interface

11 Starting Point (Web pages)
Horizontally, across the upper part Next, move down, look across in a second horizontal movement Finally, scan the contents’ left side in a vertical movement Computer Systems Interface

12 Ordering of Data & Content
Divide info into units that are logical, meaningful, & sensible Possible ordering schemes: Conventional Sequence of use Frequency of use Function Importance General to specific Computer Systems Interface

13 Computer Systems Interface
MAXIM Aesthetic designs are perceived as easier to use than less-aesthetic designs. Contrast, colors, grouping, & alignment Computer Systems Interface

14 Visually Pleasing Compositions
Balance Symmetry Regularity Predictability Sequentiality Economy Proportion Etc. See p.142 Computer Systems Interface

15 Computer Systems Interface
The Golden Ratio Computer Systems Interface

16 Mysteries of the Golden Ratio
Computer Systems Interface

17 Mysteries of the Golden Ratio
Computer Systems Interface

18 Computer Systems Interface
Homework-2 Computer Systems Interface

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