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Shaping the DPC: Outcomes from the BreakOut Groups at the Members Briefing Day 27th November 2007 .

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1 Shaping the DPC: Outcomes from the BreakOut Groups at the Members Briefing Day
27th November 2007 .

2 Overview of the BreakOut Sessions
The groups were asked to look at particular themes which they had signed up for on registration A facilitator was assigned to each group & were briefed on the objectives & aims of the session Within each of the main themes sample questions were presented to kick start the discussions Each group was asked to capture 5 ideas on a flipchart These were then presented to the other groups via ‘speed reporting’ Participants then voted on their favourite idea – the results follow 19/12/07 FB

3 Group 1: Top 6 For 2008 Bring together key players, RIN, DCC – improved visibility Challenge of more complicated landscape e.g. hybrid collections & self archiving through implementing PARADIGM Growth in volume of digital data within all communities not just large single institutions e.g Distributed national collections, local record offices – using ‘lite’ versions of auditing criteria. Growing range of (multimedia) file formats…need to encourage input to characterisation tools e.g. PRONOM/DROID Inform content/data creators of positive action they can take to support (long-term) preservation activity for own and others benefit through PARADIGM/LIFE.. ‘lite’ auditing criteria Increasing expectations of users to access and (re)use of digital content in perpetuity. e.g. webarchiving 19/12/07 FB

4 Group 2: DPC Activities ENGAGEMENT – with wider community. Target specific groups; general public, newcomers, decision makers etc. (via websites, events, publications) EDUCATION - content on website (A DP Timeline); sponsored scholarship/internships/staff exchange; DPC Talks (at events etc); Open Day events at member organisations PARTNERSHIP & COLLABORATION - with industry, archivists & traditional info profs; Grants for collaboration; for EU funding; DPC hosted events for key projects VISIBILITY - continue with Awards; celebrity champion/spokesperson for DPC INFORMATION HUB - overview of DP activities, projects; instant snap shot of what’s going on; who’s who of DP - organisations and individuals; careers; jobs or skills needed 19/12/07 FB

5 Group 3: Future Gazing “DIGITAL” LANDSCAPE – No distinction between on/off-line. Challenge; Where is the content? Who has ownership/control (note the same thing) – Global drive/permissions DATA LINKAGE – Surveillance – mobile devices; Natural Data – clubcards; Machine Driven – environment structures; Data Mining – predictive – personalised; Marketing/ deliverables SEARCHING BROWSING – “click through”; Expectations/Experience; Comfortable vetting data/info ‘e-critic’ – non hierarchical, concept matching DPC – Forecasting; Trusted Source on DP. Standing apart to point to elephant in the room, “Which Guide”; Resourced; Trend linkage – linking tools/software; Honest Broker – academia, industry/private sector, Govt. FRAMEWORK – Blogs, Inter-operation; Useless without content; Data Resource Persistence 19/12/07 FB

6 Analysis of the Ballot Results
Group 1 - ‘Top 6’ for 2008 Joint favourites - Ideas 1 & 5 Bring together key players Inform content/data creators of positive action they can take to support (long-term) preservation activity Group 2 - ‘DPC Activities’ for 2008 Favourite - Idea 1 Engagement – with the wider community Group 3 - ‘Future Gazing’ Joint favourites - Ideas 2 & 4 Data Linkage DPC – Forecasting; Trusted Source on DP 19/12/07 FB

7 And the overall winner was….
The idea which attracted the most votes was from Group 2 which looked at DPC activities: ENGAGEMENT – with the wider community. Target specific groups; general public, newcomers, decision makers etc. (via websites, events, publications) 19/12/07 FB

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