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Dissemination Working Group (DWG)

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Presentation on theme: "Dissemination Working Group (DWG)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dissemination Working Group (DWG)
10/11 November 2005

2 Progress since April 2005 Subjects Dissemination strategy
Eurostat Internet Site Cooperation with Member States on Internet User interface NewCronos/Comext User support Publication Programme

3 Strategy development Free dissemination with some basic decisions
Study Group in summer 2005 for further evolution of the strategy Document presented in DWG meeting Member States reflections on the subject Development of resulting actions as next step

4 Eurostat Internet Site
Total revision of the Internet Site completed in Summer 2005 Work on details (content and functions) New hardware platform in Data Centre of the Commission Increased stability and performance (despite recent problem) Regular monitoring New benchmarking exercise in preparation

5 Cooperation on Internet Sites
Successful Task Force in January 2005 4 Promising areas for cooperation identified Endorsement by DWG (April) and Eurostat hierarchy Preparatory technical work and analyses carried out Common News Service ready to be launched Re-focus of other projects necessary Draft Memorandum of Understanding

6 User Interface to databases
Functional Specification ready Presentation in user support training course (September) Technical options under study Decision on launch of implementation project Dec05/ Jan06 Implementation in steps

7 User support First year experience is generally positive
Need for discussion of experiences and findings with Member States New grants programme for 2005/2006 in preparation (start of work on 1st October) 20 NSIs participate Follow-up of user requests needs attention Long-term perspective and organisation of user support to be discussed within Eurostat

8 Publication programme
Gradual evolution for 2006 Stability as priority Eurostat pocketbooks free of charge from 2006 onwards Revised programme for compendium publications Need for strategic orientation of entire programme

9 Thank you for your attention

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