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Buy or sell capacity of product lines

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2 Buy or sell capacity of product lines
Schedule production for each line Buy or sell capacity of product lines Purchase machinery to automate our facilities Establish your workforce complement

3 Herein the Big Q is: How good are making your goods…

4 1) Assess your Production Efficiencies- Plant Utilization & Automation:
2) Assess your Company's HR & Labor Force Productivity: 3) Assess levels of automation on each of your production lines:


6 Page 4


8 Right-Sizing Capacity:

9 A Historical Consideration… RE: Projected Share
LOW END: 0-1 product killed repositioned or introduced TRADITIONAL: 3-6 repositioned from High…0-1 killed…1-2 introduced SIZE: 0-1 killed, 0-1 repositioned to Traditional, 1-2 introduced PERFORMANCE: 1-2 killed, 0-1 repositioned to Traditional, 0-1 introduced HIGH: 1-3 killed or repositioned to Traditional, 1-3 new products arrive in rounds 2 or 3

10 Round 3- Forecast Segment Competitive Density
LOW END: 6 products=rivalry unchanged TRADITIONAL: 9 products, w/ 3 repositioned= increased competition SIZE: 7 products, w/ 2 new= increased competition PERFORMANCE: 4 products, w/ 1 new= reduced competition HIGH: 6 products, w/ 2 new= increased competition 6 4 9 6 7

11 -Given Round 3 Scenario- How should adjust your production capacities?
Round 0-1st shift Capacity Round 3-Unit Demand Traditional 1800 1068 Low End 1400 2081 High End 900 668 Performance 600 823 Size 469

12 ROW#2

13 Utilize 2nd Shift? ROW#3

14 Use of 2nd Shift? Current Ideal

15 Should You Run 2nd shift –when Labor Costs 50% higher?
Will we make less because labor costs are 50% higher for 2nd shift? Another Q: If we double sales will we double our net margin? Answer by using your proformas: 1- On production spreadsheet build 1200 units 2-On Marketing display- FORECAST 1200 UNITS 3.-ON Proforma Income statement- note NET MARGIN – 4- On production spreadsheet build 2400 units 5-On Marketing display- FORECAST 2400 UNITS 6.-ON Proforma Income statement- note NET MARGIN –


17 2nd shift gets a free ride-only has to pay labor premium…
The Big Answer 1st shift- covers all fixed costs- 2nd shift gets a free ride-only has to pay labor premium…

18 Optimum Automation Levels?

19 BIG INVENTORY/ no cash– risk seeing Big Al
How Big is your Slinky? Worst Case: BIG INVENTORY/ no cash– risk seeing Big Al Best case: Lots of CASH / no Inventory -you risk stockout

20 Determining A Reasonable Spread
Want to avoid generating an ultra Conservative Worst case scenario …matched w/ an ultra Optimistic Best case scenario Should be able to sell excess inventory in ~betw. 6 & 16 weeks

21 Take your total inventory costs
How to measure your slinky slack-- Take your total inventory costs $23,900M

22 Risk ~9weeks of Inventory to avoid stockout
& Divide by total variable costs of inventory sold: $23,900M/$131,119M =.18 52weeks *.18 = 9 Risk ~9weeks of Inventory to avoid stockout

23 Evaluate Your Company’s Production Situation & Formulate Strategies to Optimize Quality & Efficiencies

24 Can I be excused my brain is full..

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