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Final Project: Concepts and Implementations

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Presentation on theme: "Final Project: Concepts and Implementations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Project: Concepts and Implementations
Andreas Bastedo

2 Pre-Final Project Phase

3 Pre-Process Business Practice Business Plan
Research Methodology & Academic Writing Final Project Proposal Final Project Proposal B Final Project Proposal A Final Project Proposal C *Note : Business Practice and Research Methodology has to be taken at the same semester

4 Personnel Assignment Option 1
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Consultant Permanent Lecturer Non-permanet lecturer Student *one group consist of 8 students *Considerations: needs outside helps for accrediation, more people to hire

5 Personnel Assignment Option 2
Tier 1 Tier 2 Consultant * Being used to consult the lecturer Permanent Lecturer Non-permanet lecturer Student *one group consist of 8 students *Considerations: needs outside helps for accrediation, less people to hire than opt 1

6 Internal competency divisions
Name LV EL Competency Sub-competency Andreas Bastedo S1 Multimedia Animation Christian Ang Design Corporate ID, Branding Ferryanto Photography Michael Nataniel Design, Art & History Mikael Ifianto S2 Shienny Megawati Illustration Markus Santoso *Note: EL = Education Level, A = Asisten Ahli L = Lektor, LK = Lektor Kepala

7 External competency divisions
Name LV EL Competency Sub-competency Lasiman S2 Design Corporate ID, Branding Alvin S1 Sumbo Amelia Sidik Jacky Design, Multimedia Corporate ID, Branding, Animation Ecky Illustration Rudy Margono Multimedia Web Design *Note: EL = Education Level, A = Asisten Ahli L = Lektor, LK = Lektor Kepala

8 Student Assignment Business Plan (from business practive course)
Generated from business practice course Needs to conform to university standard (generate .doc or .docx standard document and content) Business plan needs to be submited before final project for consultation Proposal (from Research Methodology & Academic Writing) Generated from research methodology and academic writing course Proposal minimum of 3 (three) project choice needs to be submitted before final project for elimination process *Note: document needed for proposal assembly, power point presentations type, all standard documents is not yet generated

9 Final Project Execution Phase

10 Project Working Workflow
Problem Identification Data Gathering Data Analysis Conclusion Concept / Idea generation Thumbnail Tight Issues Final Design Evaluation Presentation

11 Timeline *Note: there are no provisions for Remedial Assembly, Failed students need to repeat final project (except business plan)

12 Studio System Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Exploration
In a studio system, final project students has to attend 3 days in a week into a studio designated for this purposes Daily Studio schedule is 9.10 AM to AM, break period from – 12.30 Studio Schedule is fixed for Internal Lecturer and Flexible for External Lecturer Students has to enter studio system from day one

13 Lecturer Journey Consultant Part time lecturers Full time lecturers
Student Assignment Proposal Assembly Final Project Brief Week 8 – 14 Consultation Concept Assembly (grading required) Week 1 – 6 Project Consultation Final Tally Final Project Assembly (grading required) Post Final Project activities - Signing Sessions

14 Student Journey Full time Students
Business Practice / Research Methodology & Academic Writing Completion Business Plan & Proposal Proposal Assembly Final Tally (finish all design apps & papers) Week 8 – 14 Consultation Concept Assembly (finish chapter 1-3 plus tumbnail) Week 1 – 6 Project Consultation Final Project Post Final Project activities (signs, library, etc) Graduation process

15 Student Assignment - Concept
Requirement Chapter 1-3 must be finished Thumbnails have to be generated Have accumulated minimum of 5 consultation signatures for each facilitators

16 Student Assignment - Final
Requirement All documentation (final project and business plan) need to be finished (chapter 1-5) All Project design and mockups need to be finished All consultation document need to conform to minimum standard of consultation (15 signatures per facilitators) Provide 3 sets of document photocopies (one for each facilitators) – submit these documents to admin support

17 Final Project Presentations

18 Open Presentation Type
Final Project Presentation will be open for all students and lecturer not participating in the final project Students who want to attend has to submit final-project admission form* and agree to it’s conditions bellow: People attending the presentation has to discontinued all mobile phones services and not talking during the presentation No food or eating will be allowed in the presentation room Only 10 (ten) students per session is allowed to attend, in the event that there is less than 10 students per session who are attending, dept representatives retain the rights to allow other student who hasn’t filled the admission form Final project will be judged by mentors and dept representatives who is not a mentor on that particular person

19 Admission Form

20 Room & Equipment requirement
Final Project presentation room has to: Adequate in size to accommodate at least 1 final project students, 2 mentors and 2 dept representative Adequate in size to accommodate students and lecturer who will attend the presentation Equipment needed: 4 sets of mentors and representative chair and desk or equivalent which enable them to write 1 set of desk for final student project 1 set of desk for the project collateral to show 1 set of hangers for posters 1 set of projector capable of viewing the student presentation 1 set audio equipment with 2 mikes and capable of taking audio inputs from the computers 1 set of computer needed for presentation (*computer can be arranged from the dept, or from the student) Room needed to be quite whitout outside noise interference

21 Post-Final Project Phase

22 Post Workflow Value Equivalency Judicium Graduation Announcement
Final Project Document Administration clearance Grades Announcement Final Project Exhibition Graduation Ceremony

23 Student Assignment – Post Final
Requirement Final project document to be bounded as per regulations Final project Data to be submitted into CD/DVD format form and be labeled as per regulations Provide minimum of 2 copies of project documents and data (1 to VCD admin support and 1 to library) Administration Clearance (kartu bebas perpustakaan, etc) Fill out Business Creation Form Do Psychology Mapping Test Prepare for Final Project Exhibition (if selected) Prepare Business Creation Poster (if selected) Provide Photos for Graduation Ceremony (can be arranged into group events) Prepare for Graduation Ceremony


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