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Work and Power.

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Presentation on theme: "Work and Power."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work and Power

2 Work The product of force and the amount of displacement along the line of action of that force. Units: ft . lbs (horsepower) Newton•meter (Joule) e

3 Work = F x d To calculate work done on an object, we need: The Force
The average magnitude of the force The direction of the force The Displacement The magnitude of the change of position The direction of the change of position

4 Calculate Work During the ascent phase of a rep of the bench press, the lifter exerts an average vertical force of 1000 N against a barbell while the barbell moves 0.8 m upward How much work did the lifter do to the barbell?

5 Calculate Work Table of Variables: Force = +1000 N
Displacement = +0.8 m Force is positive due to pushing upward Displacement is positive due to moving upward

6 Calculate Work Table of Variables: Force = +1000 N
Displacement = +0.8 m Select the equation and solve:

7 - & + Work Positive work is performed when the direction of the force and the direction of motion are the same ascent phase of the bench press Throwing a ball push off (upward) phase of a jump

8 Calculate Work During the descent phase of a rep of the bench press, the lifter exerts an average vertical force of 1000 N against a barbell while the barbell moves 0.8 m downward

9 Calculate Work Table of Variables Force = +1000 N
Displacement = -0.8 m Force is positive due to pushing upward Displacement is negative due to movement downward

10 Calculate Work Table of Variables Force = +1000 N
Displacement = -0.8 m Select the equation and solve:

11 - & + Work Positive work Negative work is performed when the direction of the force and the direction of motion are the opposite descent phase of the bench press catching landing phase of a jump

12 Contemplate During negative work on the bar, what is the dominant type of activity (contraction) occurring in the muscles? When positive work is being performed on the bar?

13 EMG during the Bench Press
180 90 On elbow

14 Power The rate of doing work Work = Fd Units: Fd/s = J/s = watt

15 Compare “power” in typical stair stepping
Work = Fd Force: Push on the step constant setting Displacement Step Height: 5” vs 10” 0.127 m vs m step rate 56.9 /min vs 28.8 /min Time per step 60s/step rate Thesis data from Nikki Gegel and Michelle Molnar

16 Compare “power” in typical stair stepping
Work = Fd Force: Push on the step constant setting Displacement Step Height: 5” vs 10” 0.127 m vs m step rate 56.9 /min vs 28.8 /min

17 Compare “power” in typical stair stepping
Work = Fd Force: Push on the step constant setting Displacement Step Height: 5” vs 10” 0.127 m vs m step rate 56.9 /min vs 28.8 /min Results: VO2 similar fast/short steps vs slow/deep steps

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