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29 BC - 476 AD The Roman Empire.

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1 29 BC AD The Roman Empire

2 Augustus’ Pax Romana (207 years)
free of war borders measured 10,000 miles 3 million square miles 70-90 million people - 1 million in Rome

3 Augustus’ contributions
Government system that lasted centuries single coinage - better trade one large economic power road & aqueduct (water) system new building materials (concrete) civil service created

4 The Fall of the Roman Empire
476 A.D.

5 The Decay Economics Military Political
Began with Marcus Aurelius and took 300 years Economics prosperity gone (plunder, trade, and farm) gold and silver gone from imports inflation (prices rise) Military major defeats to Persians and others soldiers fought for $ not patriotism Political citizens didn’t care (apathy) political office and civil service not an honor

6 Diocletian 284 A. D. Army leader - doubled the size of the army
Persecuted Christians Divided the empire Greeks in the East (wealthier) Latins in the West (demise of Rome)

7 Constantine (311 A.D.) Had a vision before a battle, used the sign of the cross Accept Christianity, stops persecutions Edict of Milan - freedom of religion to the Christians Moves the capital of the empire from Rome to Byzantium (changed to Constantinople)

8 Barbarians at the Gate 376 A. D. to 476 A. D.
Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Vandals, Saxons, etc. keep attacking Rome sacked twice, but the survived Attila the Hun Romulus Augustulus (455) last emperor lost to a barbarian general Odoacer

9 The End After 476 no emperor pretended to rule Rome
Eastern Half of the Empire survived another 1000 years (Byzantine Empire) Latin remained the language of the land The Christian Church (Roman Catholic) begins its dominance over daily life

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