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He did not believe in permanent alliances Who am I?

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Presentation on theme: "He did not believe in permanent alliances Who am I?"— Presentation transcript:

1 He did not believe in permanent alliances Who am I?

2 Washington

3 This group of congressmen called for war against the British Who am I (group)

4 War Hawks

5 In order to gain support for his national debt plan he suggested the capital be moved from New York City to a new city in the south Who am I 5

6 Hamilton

7 The first republican elected to the office of Presidency? Who am I?

8 War Hawks

9 Doubled the size of the nation Who am I

10 Jefferson

11 This person asked congress to declare war in 1812. Who am I?

12 Madison

13 Ended the Alien and Sedition acts. Who am I?

14 Jefferson

15 Made the Alien and Sedition Acts Who am I?

16 Adams

17 Made the Louisiana Purchase Who am I?

18 Jefferson

19 I set the precedent of serving only two terms? Who am I

20 Washington

21 This President to flee the capital because the British were burning the capital. Who am I

22 Madison

23 The XYZ affair occurred during his presidency Who am I?

24 Adams

25 Gave the first “Farewell Address” Who am I

26 Washington

27 Was unanimously voted in the office of the Presidency Who am I

28 Washington

29 Simplified the presidency Who am I

30 Jefferson

31 The first secretary of treasury Who am I

32 Hamilton

33 The star spangled banner was written during his presidency Who am I

34 Madison

35 Was nicknamed his rotundity? Who am I

36 Adams

37 The nations first Vice President who later became president Who am I

38 Adams

39 This person appointed federalist judges the last night he was in office Who am I

40 Adams

41 Wrote the declaration of Independence Who am I

42 Jefferson

43 I was the third president and re-elected in 1804 Who am I

44 Jefferson

45 The only President never to serve in the White House Who am I

46 Washington

47 Alexander Hamilton and I had debated on how the country should run Who am I

48 Jefferson

49 I put down the Whiskey Rebellion while I was President showing the power of the federal government Who am I 49

50 Washington

51 I added the words “so help me God” to the oath of the Presidency

52 Washington

53 I am very strict and by the book, and for that not many people liked me.

54 Adams

55 Father of the Constitution Who am I

56 Madison

57 Passed the Embargo Act of 1807 Who am I

58 Jefferson

59 Combined both a Republican and a Federalist in his cabinet Who am I

60 Washington

61 Disliked the two party system Who am I

62 Washington

63 I had to work with congress to create the judicial system of the new United States

64 Washington

65 Instituted the Declaration of Neutrality in response to the French Revolution Who am I

66 Washington

67 He and his son served as President Who am I

68 Adams

69 I initiated the Lewis and Clark expedition Who am I

70 Jefferson

71 Do Now- Task Complete the Defenders Dilemma pg.1
Procedure 2. Create 4 sentences about the Monroe Doctrine Base on the information on the Cartoon- pg 2 3. Answer Questions about the Primary source Monroe Doctrine on a separate piece of paper 4. Answer Review Questions/info for test on Friday- See below Causes of the war of 1812 Results of the War of 1812 XYZ affair- countries involved and what happened Whiskey Rebellion-What caused it and why it is important Excise Tax Characteristics/beliefs of the Federalists and Republicans Why some did not agree with the sedition acts? Who were the supporters of the Democratic- Republicans and Federalists Describe the compromise that led the capitol to be moved to Washington D.C. Significance of Marbury vs. Madison Louisiana Purchase Treaty of Ghent Washington’s view of Permanent alliances Monroe Doctrine Who founded the Democratic –Republicans? Who founded the federalists? Who Wanted the national bank and why? Establishment of the Alien and Sedition Acts and its repeal Presidential precedents of Washington- (2 terms) Farewell Address of Washington Know: Issues that each President dealt with 71

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